Stephen Voller, CEO
Cella Energy
United Kingdom
May 15, 2012.
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Speaker Biography (Stephen Voller)Stephen Voller is a CEO with over 25 years of experience of running technology companies from start-up to IPO. He has raised over $60m for these companies, which included an $16m IPO for a hydrogen fuel cell company which he had founded. In 2004 he developed the world's first commercial CE certified proton exchange membrane PEM fuel cell generator based on metal hydride and compressed hydrogen fuel. Stephen has a B.Sc (hons) from the University of Leeds. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a member of the Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group (PRASEG). Company Profile (Cella Energy)Cella Energy Ltd makes safe, low-cost hydrogen storage materials. Our materials use nano-structuring to safely encapsulate hydrogen at ambient temperatures and pressures. This sidesteps the requirement for an expensive hydrogen infrastructure. In 2007 work began at the prestigious STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory RAL near Oxford, UK to develop new hydrogen fuels. The patented technology uses a technique called coaxial electrospinning to safely encapsulate complex hydrides using nanostructuring techniques. The result was a hydrogen fuel that could be handled quite safely in the open air and pumped like a fluid. |