TCF Alternatives to ITO, Applications & Markets (Printed Electronics Europe 2013)

Mrs Cathleen Thiele, Technology Analyst
IDTechEx GmbH
Apr 18, 2013.


IDTechEx (C.Thiele) - presentation*
IDTechEx (C.Thiele) - audio presentation*

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Presentation Summary

  • What are the applications of TCFs?
  • What are the alternatives available and which will be the winner?
  • What is the market perspective?

Speaker Biography (Cathleen Thiele)

Cathleen received her Master's degree from Chemnitz University of Technology, where she mainly focused on printed electronics, equipment and technology. During her work at the Print & Media Institute of Technology (pmTUC) she was involved in creating organic printed transistors and circuits as well as printed batteries and speakers. Since 2008 with IDTechEx, Cathleen authored several market studies on Touchscreens, Carbon Nanotubes, Transparent Conductors, Electroactive Polymers and others. She is also involved in bespoke analysis and research on a range of emerging technologies. Recently, Cathleen helped a multi-billion dollar chemical giant scout the technology and business landscape for graphene and carbon nanotubes. She also helped a carbon nanotube company evaluate and benchmark their production technique against rivals. She helped the company perform market applicability analysis, identify unmet market needs and estimate market size and growth rates. She has also recently helped BMW identify potential collaborators by assessing important thin film photovoltaic technologies and key players.

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