25 Nov 2019

Siemens and juwi Partner for Microgrids in the Mining Industry
Siemens and the renewable energy developer juwi have joined forces to enter into a strategic technology partnership to focus on microgrids in the mining industry.
30 Apr 2015

The European IDTechEx Energy Harvesting and IoT Awards 2015
The winners of the 2015 European IDTechEx Energy Harvesting and IoT Awards were announced yesterday in Berlin, Germany during the IDTechEx Show!, which took place at the Estrel Hotel and Convention Center this week. Over 2,000 delegates were in attendance at Europe's premier show on the latest developments in emerging technologies
23 Apr 2015

Energy Harvesting & Storage Europe 2015
28-29 April, Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany. In less than one week, the seventh annual IDTechEx event will provide valuable insight into energy harvesting technologies and their applications.
9 Apr 2015

Energy harvesting meets IoT: 4questions, 3 presenters...
DTechEx analysts asked a few questions to some of the presenters at the IDTechEx conferences on Energy Harvesting and IoT coming up on 28-29 April in Berlin, Germany.
20 Nov 2014

Energy Harvesting & Storage and IoT Applications Awards USA 2014
The winners of the IDTechEx awards for Energy Harvesting & Storage and the Internet of Things were announced today on the opening day of the largest event IDTechEx has produced to date in California, which is estimated to have attracted over 2,500 attendees at the Santa Clara Convention Centre.
External press release
2 Apr 2014

Archipelago Technology debuts new ink manufacturing process in Berlin
Archipelago Technology, at St John's Innovation Centre, has developed a new ink manufacturing process to help unlock the huge potential of printed electronics.
14 Jan 2014

ZBD becomes Displaydata
ZBD has re-branded as Displaydata to reflect its transition to a complete digital display solutions provider that enables retailers to revolutionise the digital experience at the shelf-edge.
23 Sep 2010

New OPV company launched
Cambridge Enterprise, the University of Cambridge's commercialisation office, and the Carbon Trust have announced the launch of Eight19 Limited, a new solar energy company which will develop and manufacture high performance, lower cost plastic solar cells for high-growth volume markets.
21 Sep 2010

Development of roll out solar cells
Rhodia, an international chemical company, has joined with the UK's Carbon Trust in a £4.5 million investment in solar energy start-up Eight19 to develop organic photovoltaic technology.
External press release
12 Feb 2009

Development times slashed with new 'Complete Ink Development Tool'
TTP and ImageXpert Inc. are pleased to announce a collaboration to supply a complete ink development tool that will speed up inkjet printhead, ink and system development.
1 Dec 2008

Highlights from the Energy Harvesting Technology Event, London
Raghu Das, CEO at IDTechEx reports on the Energy Harvesting Technology event which looked at the use of technologies to generate electricity from the environment which can be used to power electronics and electrics.
19 Feb 2008

Progress with non silicon photovoltaics in Europe
With increasing global demand for energy sources beyond gas and oil, there is now more effort than ever before on renewable energy, especially photovoltaics.
18 Jul 2007

200 Organisations Now Developing Printed Transistors and Memory
Printing is the basis of the new electronics. As Dr Colin Marsh of The Technology Partnership in the UK says,
12 Feb 2007

Printed Electronics - On Track to a Major Industry
Progress with printed and thin film electronics.