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Research Articles

by Dr James Edmondson

07 Jan 2025

Enabling New EV Battery Chemistries Through Battery Pack Structure

This article discusses the changes in battery pack design that impact which cell chemistries can be used in a commercially viable way. An overview is given for future adoption of new cell chemistries such as LMFP and solid state batteries, and how pack structure will impact their applicability.
06 Dec 2024

Magnetic Materials That Could Replace Rare Earths in EV Motors

Many will be aware of the concerns around rare earth materials, such as price volatility and environmental impact. One way to alleviate concerns is by adopting magnetic materials that do not contain rare earths. Based on IDTechEx's latest research report on "Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles 2025-2035: Technologies, Materials, Markets, and Forecasts", this article will cover some of the most promising alternatives and their trade-offs.
21 Nov 2024

Progress and Expectations for Zero-Emission Drivetrain Technology

Electric vehicles (EVs) have seen tremendous growth historically, but growth has slowed somewhat in 2024. The goal of automakers is to reduce the cost of making EVs, both to improve their profit margins on existing vehicles and to make lower-cost models more feasible.
14 Oct 2024

The Sustainability of Electric Vehicle Motors

This article aims to discuss some of the key factors and tradeoffs to be made for electric motor design if sustainability is the ultimate goal.
13 Sep 2024

Enabling Lower Cost EVs Through Electric Motor Development

The growth of the EV market has slowed significantly in Europe and the US in the first half of 2024. A key route to reinvigorating growth will be the release of models in a more affordable price range. To this end, there are many avenues to reduce the cost of an EV. While the battery rightly takes focus, other components throughout the vehicle, such as the electric motor, can contribute to cost reduction too.
23 Aug 2024

Reducing and Eliminating Thermal Interface Materials in EV Batteries

The key to wider adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) will be lower-cost models with a more approachable price point. The most expensive component of an EV is the battery pack. As well as increasing the energy density and reducing the cost of the battery cells, another avenue to cost reduction is through more efficient packaging of the cells.
25 Jul 2024

The Future of Automotive Refrigerants After PFAS

While the focus of the automotive market has been on electrification to meet CO2 regulations, these are not the only regulations that will significantly impact the automotive industry. PFAS are becoming a greater concern throughout multiple industries. With the uncertainty around PFAS regulations, there are a few avenues that automotive players could pursue to replace the refrigerants they use.
19 Jun 2024

EV Thermal Management Fluid Demand Exceeds 880 million Liters by 2035

Electric vehicles, much like combustion vehicles, require a suite of fluids in order to operate optimally. However, the quantities and properties of these fluids can be quite different. With a strongly growing EV market, this presents a large opportunity for not just fluid suppliers but also fluid additives and fluid handling component suppliers.
31 May 2024

Dispelling the Downturn of the EV Market

Electric vehicle (EV) related news has been somewhat bleak in the first part of 2024; you will have heard a lot about the downturn in the EV market and OEMs scaling back plans. This might make one think that EVs are beyond their hype and that they will not be the solution of the future, but is that really the message we should be taking away? In this article, IDTechEx discusses the current statistics, the state of the market, and the outlook for the future.
23 May 2024

Despite Concerns Rare Earth Free Motors Take a Back Seat in EVs

The sourcing of materials and components is becoming an increasingly discussed topic across multiple industries. One huge growth sector is the electric vehicle (EV) market, with IDTechEx predicting 4 fold growth in electric car sales over the next 10 years. Much of the conversation is focused on battery materials, but the rare earths used in the magnets in electric motors are another key concern.
30 Apr 2024

The Increasingly Overcrowded EV Fire Protection Market

With the rapid growth of the electric vehicle market and a focus on the importance of safety, EV fire protection brings a large opportunity for material suppliers. In this article by Dr James Edmondson, Research Director here at IDTechEx, we share some of these opportunities including those outside of the automotive market, along with some challenges for material suppliers in this space and findings from recent industry events.
19 Apr 2024

New Range Records Set for Hydrogen Cars and Why It May Not Matter

At the end of February 2024, the UK ran its second Hydrogen Week. During this week, Hyundai set two new records for the driving range of its fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). While certainly a significant achievement, will the ultimate range of FCEVs impact consumer opinions and adoption?
28 Mar 2024

The Sustainability of Electric Vehicle Fire Protection Materials

Electric vehicles (EVs) are a primary method to reach a net zero transportation sector, but in addition to CO2 emissions, overall sustainability is becoming an increased focus point. However, sustainability is a very complex topic that does not tend to deal with absolutes as many factors are involved.
20 Feb 2024

EV Fire Protection Materials, Protecting a US$3.5 Trillion Market

Electric vehicle (EV) fire safety continues to be a critical topic. Data continues to support the fact that EVs are less likely to catch fire than internal combustion engine vehicles. However, as a new technology, EVs get more press, and besides, even a very low occurrence rate still poses significant risks to vehicle occupants and surroundings.
09 Feb 2024

IDTechEx Erörtert, ob Brennstoffzellenfahrzeuge Erfolg Haben Werden und was Dazu Nötig Wäre

Die Verkäufe von Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellenautos sind ab 2021 weitgehend zum Erliegen gekommen. Bedeutet dies jedoch, dass es in Zukunft keinen Markt für Brennstoffzellen-Elektrofahrzeuge (FCEV) geben wird, und was ist erforderlich, um sie zu einem Erfolg zu machen?
19 Jan 2024

Removing Rare-Earths Drives Demand for Copper in EV Motors

Electric motors are a core component of electrification in the automotive market. The market has heavily relied on rare earths for the permanent magnets used in these motors, but, as many will be aware, there is a drive to eliminate these rare earths due to their price volatility and environmental impact. Alternative motor technologies can often present a new and increased demand for copper.
18 Jan 2024

How Tech Giants Could Displace Automotive OEMs

The automotive market is a huge industry, and its evolution has spawned several giant corporations with many sub-brands, many of which are household names. However, the automotive industry is arguably undergoing the greatest technological shifts it has ever seen. Electrification, autonomous driving, and a shift to software-defined vehicles.
05 Jan 2024

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles to be 4% of the Zero Emission Solution

Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have made monumental progress in the passenger car market, becoming a standard drivetrain option. The success in cars is also overflowing into other vehicle segments, such as vans, trucks, buses, 2-wheelers, and more. However, despite some key proponents, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) have had a much tougher time getting to significant adoption.
01 Dec 2023

Future Technologies, Materials, and Markets for Thermal Management

The battery deservedly takes the major focus when it comes to technology development in EVs. But an EV's powertrain has to act holistically to operate with optimal performance and interact with the passenger cabin's conditioning system. This means that the thermal management of the motors, power electronics, and how this all interacts is just as important as the battery.
29 Nov 2023

Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand

Historically, the aerogel market has experienced slow and steady growth. With the newly found demand for thermal insulation and fire protection in electric vehicle (EV) batteries, aerogel manufacturers are making big plans and investments in order to scale up in preparation to serve this new market.
24 Nov 2023

Evolution of the Automotive Industry and Electrification Beyond Cars

2023 has proven another momentous year for the electric vehicle (EV) market. 2022 saw electric car sales rise by 62% compared with 2021, and IDTechEx estimates that 2023 will see global sales rise by another 16%. But what can we expect for the future of EVs? In this article, Dr James Edmondson and Shazan Siddiqi from IDTechEx discuss what can be learned about the future of electrification, not only for vehicles on land, but also for marine sectors and aerial vehicles.
06 Nov 2023

Electrification Outside Automotive: A Trillion Dollar Market

The automotive sector is rapidly electrifying, with electric car sales totaling over 5.8 million units in the first half of 2023 across China, Europe, and the US. While automotive electrification is at the forefront of the public eye, other vehicle sectors also present huge opportunities, with IDTechEx predicting the global market of electric vehicles for land, sea, and air to be worth over US$1 trillion in 2044 (excl. automotive).
27 Sep 2023

Growth Opportunities for Aerogels Outside the EV Market

2022 saw the aerogels market take a large leap forward with the success of electric vehicle (EV) batteries as an application. Historic growth has been steady for other applications, but with the growth fuelled by the EV market, there is the opportunity for several other applications to take advantage of the scaling production volume.
19 Sep 2023

Electric Pickups: The Next Big EV Opportunity

Electrification in the US is at an earlier stage than other regions globally but has made huge progress over the last few years, with electric cars making up nearly 9% of new registrations in the first half of 2023. The pickup truck is a large portion of the US passenger vehicle market but is at an even earlier stage of electrification, with only approximately 5% of electric vehicles sold in the US in the first half of 2023 being pickup trucks.
22 Aug 2023

Dass Evs Bis 2025 Die Aerogel-Anwendungen Dominieren Werden

Der Markt für Aerogele ist in der Vergangenheit stetig gewachsen und wird im Jahr 2022 ein Volumen von knapp 450 Millionen US-Dollar erreichen. Die Entwicklung verlief etwas langsamer, als manche erwarten würden, was größtenteils auf den Wettbewerb mit preiswerteren etablierten Isoliermaterialien zurückzuführen ist.
14 Aug 2023

IDTechEx Diskutiert 4 Wege Zur Eliminierung Von Seltenen Erden In EV-Motoren Und Einen, Von Dem Sie Noch Nichts Gehört Haben

Die Verwendung von Seltenen Erden in verschiedenen modernen Technologien hat im Laufe der Jahre Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Doch mit der steigenden Nachfrage nach Elektrofahrzeugen (EVs) ist das Thema in den Vordergrund gerückt.
25 Jul 2023

What the New EU Battery Regulation Means for Cell-To-Pack/Body

The sustainability, design, and recovery of electric vehicle (EV) batteries are set to be overhauled thanks to the approval of the EU's new regulations governing the battery market. In June 2023, parliament approved new regulations that set out battery requirements, including a 'Battery Passport' and recovery of certain materials.
20 Jul 2023

IDTechEx Untersucht Die Auswirkungen Des Europäischen Gesetzes Über Kritische Rohstoffe Auf Elektromotoren

Die Europäische Kommission hat das{Gesetz über kritische Rohstoffe|} vorgeschlagen, um "den Zugang der EU zu einer sicheren, diversifizierten, erschwinglichen und nachhaltigen Versorgung mit kritischen Rohstoffen zu gewährleisten". Dieses Gesetz könnte große Auswirkungen auf verschiedene Technologien und Märkte haben, aber einer, der schnell wächst und stark auf kritische Rohstoffe angewiesen ist, ist der Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge (EV), insbesondere Elektromotoren.
20 Jun 2023

The Evolution of Modern Electric Motor Market for Electric Vehicles

Electric traction motors may have originally been developed in the 1800s, but the market continues to evolve today, with the growing electric vehicle (EV) market providing new technologies, opportunities, and demand.
16 Jun 2023

Increased Opportunity with Reduced Material Intensity in EV Batteries

Energy density of EV batteries continues to increase, but the innovation is not just limited to the battery cells. Much of the improvement is also coming from how the cells are packaged together.
16 May 2023

Join Our Upcoming Webinar on EV Battery Materials

Thursday 8 June 2023 - The Future of Cell Chemistry and Pack Structure. An overview of materials used in battery cells and battery packs; Trends in cathode chemistry and anode materials; Battery pack designs: cell-to-pack and cell-to-body; The impact on thermal management and materials; Trends in other materials: composite/polymer enclosures, interconnects and insulation
12 May 2023

IDTechEx fragt, ob Festkörperbatterien den Bedarf an Brandschutz für Elektrofahrzeuge beseitigen werden

Thermisches Durchgehen und die damit verbundenen Batteriebrände haben sich als kritisches Problem für Kunden, Batterieentwickler und Hersteller von Elektrofahrzeugen erwiesen. Bei vielen Fahrzeugen sind Batteriebrände aufgetreten, und Hunderttausende wurden zurückgerufen.
11 May 2023

The Evolution and Future of Thermal Management and EV Fire Protection

In this complimentary whitepaper, Dr James Edmondson discusses the evolution in the architecture of electric vehicles, and the part this has to play in key challenges faced by the EV industry.
10 May 2023

EV Cell and Pack Material Innovation: Higher Energy and Lower Cost

Electric vehicles (EVs) generate material demands that are very different to those historically typical of combustion engine vehicle markets. With ongoing supply chain disruption and rapidly evolving battery technology, the materials that will be in demand over the coming years will vary significantly.
07 Mar 2023

Wie kann Tesla von Seltenen Erden wegkommen

Auf dem Investorentag von Tesla im März 2023 wurde angekündigt, dass die nächste Generation von Elektromotoren keine Seltenen Erden enthalten wird. Angesichts der enormen Präsenz von Tesla auf dem Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge könnte dies einen bedeutenden Wandel für das Design und die Nachhaltigkeit von Elektromotoren darstellen.
23 Feb 2023

Why Immersion Cooling Might Not be the Final Battery Cooling Solution

Battery thermal management is a critical component to an electric vehicles (EVs) operation. Cells need to be kept cool when under load from driving and charging or kept warm during cold ambient conditions. This enables more efficient operation of the batteries and improves safety.