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에어로젤 (2021-2031년): 기술, 시장 및 기업

경량 고급 나노 다공성 재료 예: 실리카 모놀리스, 과립, 분말, 블랭킷 및 기타 컴포지트(복합재료); 폴리머, 탄소 및 더 많은 신흥 유형; 초임계, 동결 및 대기압 건조 제조 공정.

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에어로젤은 거의 100년 동안 알려져 온 나노 다공성 물질 군이다. 복잡한 역사가 있었으며, 21세기부터 주요 상업적 활용이 시작되었다. 이 시장은 실리카 에어로젤 블랭킷이 지배하고 있는데, 주로 석유 및 가스 산업에서 단열재로 사용된다. 특히 중국에서 새로운 기업들이 커지고, EV 배터리 팩에서 건축 및 건설에 이르기까지 새로운 응용분야가 발견됨에 따라 많은 활동들이 관찰된다. 실리카 외에도, 상용화 초기 단계에 있으며 완전히 새로운 방향으로 업계를 이끌 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 폴리머 및 탄소 에어로젤 분야가 부상하고 있다. 이 보고서는 에어로젤 산업의 주요 기술, 대표 기업들 및 시장을 다룬다. IDTechEx는 수년 동안이 분야를 연구해 왔으며 진화하는 시장에 대해 가장 포괄적이고 정확한 정보를 제공한다.
This market report provides the most comprehensive and authoritative view of the global aerogel market, giving detailed ten-year market forecasts segmented by application and both material type and form. IDTechEx has been studying the aerogel industry for many years; our technical experts conduct an extensive number of primary interviews to bring the reader a granular and detailed assessment of this industry.
IDTechEx research values the aerogel market at under $300 million and forecasts it to exceed $700 million by 2031 for the manufacturers. The current value is far more modest than many expect; this demonstrates that the industry is still largely in its infancy and can only be considered mature for specific applications.
The growth is being driven in 3 key ways. Firstly, the capacity expansions of silica aerogel blankets predominantly from Chinese manufacturers. Secondly, the diversifying applications for silica aerogel products driven by regulation changes and thermal management requirements in evolving markets. Finally, the commercial impact of manufacturing developments and new aerogel materials, such as polymer variants, are beginning to be realised.
The industry still suffers from misinformation and a large amount of hype surrounding the properties and proposed applications for this class of material. To date, the high price-tag and property limitations have meant that the unique properties aerogels possess have only been extensively used by a few industries. Aerogels have been known for nearly a hundred years but significant and sustained commercial activity only really began in the 21st century. The market leaders, Aspen Aerogel, have lost over $350 million across the past decade, which alongside others, has in part enabled this market to finally come of age and allow for a more diverse, profitable market to be on the cusp of emerging.
This report provides a detailed assessment of all the aerogel manufacturers, including their capacity, revenue, products, production processes, planned expansions, and more. A comprehensive patent analysis is conducted in the report, which looks at key assignees and applications; this is all the more relevant given the recent lawsuits over patent infringements between leading players Aspen Aerogels, Nano Tech, and Alison Hi-Tech.
Global silica aerogel application forecast by industry sector. Aerogels 2021-2031: Technologies, Markets and Players. (Source: IDTechEx)
This report details and benchmarks studies on all the different types and forms of pure and composite aerogel products. The most prevalent of this is silica aerogel, with the key property being very low thermal conductivity (λ = 15-25 mW/m.K); the commercial applications to date centre almost exclusively around silica blankets and panels for their use in thermal insulation. However, given the abundance and cost of traditional insulators, manufacturers have been unable to justify the high price on the superior insulating properties alone. Instead, they have looked to the added value of the properties these multi-functional materials possess, be it fire retardancy, low density, hydrophobicity, strength or electrical/acoustic insulation. Silica particles (granules and powders) are gaining an increasing amount of interest either integrated into blankets and sheets post-production or used as fillers in a range of liquid or solid products including coatings, daylighting panels, and building material. Cabot Corporation has remained as the key player in these high-performance particles for over two-decades and continues to have its material implemented into new markets. Alongside this is the rise of the lower cost powders, led by the likes of JIOS Aerogel, that are in the process of gaining some market traction.
As seen in the image above, oil & gas is the main end-use application in which - for specific refinery and pipeline applications - aerogel blankets have become the standard material of choice. This continues to evolve with LNG presenting a key market opportunity, but ultimately the aerogel industry must diversify beyond this sector considering both a very long-term view and to not be heavily impacted by macro-economic trends on this one sector. There are many exciting areas for silica aerogels including building & construction, thermal runaway mitigation in electric vehicle battery packs, municipal engineering, packaging, apparel, and even electronic devices. For many, these legislations will have a large impact, most notably in energy consumption, emissions, and fire safety - particularly within the building and transportation sector.
IDTechEx has identified organic aerogels, notably polymer panels and films, as a rapidly emerging area of commercial activity. Although silica monoliths are the most photographed, their brittleness makes them have practically no commercial applications. Polymer variants have very different mechanical properties, taking the industry in many new directions. Many of the promising players are establishing notable production capacities and there is already significant interest from large end-users across a range of sectors for their use in antennas to interiors for transportation. Carbon aerogels have been known for a longer time but are again seeing lots of market activity and technology developments (such as graphene aerogels) showing the most promise for energy storage applications.
The aerogel tree below shows the range of materials that have been explored by the aerogel community and will be outlined in the report.
Finally, the report looks further into the future, describing the cutting-edge applications and manufacturing techniques. Pricing forecasts are provided for all different types and are predicted to undergo significant shifts as increased capacities and emerging manufacturing processes are anticipated. The report extensively compares and discusses batch and continuous manufacturing processes for both supercritical drying, freeze drying, and ambient pressure drying techniques. This is with consideration to both established methods, start-up companies, and relevant academic or industrial research. There remains a constant interest in new materials, utilising renewable or recycled feedstocks, and ambitious manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing.
The COVID-19 pandemic has, of course, impacted the aerogel production, supply chain, and markets. IDTechEx assesses this current and long-term impact throughout the market report.
Aerogel tree by type. Aerogels 2021-2031: Technologies, Markets and Players. (Source: IDTechEx)
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1.1.What is an aerogel?
1.2.Aerogel tree by type
1.3.Silica aerogel properties
1.4.Different forms of aerogels
1.5.Hype curve of aerogel by application
1.6.Aerogel market forecast by form and type
1.7.Silica aerogel market forecast by application
1.8.Impact of COVID-19 pandemic
1.9.Assessment of key new application areas
1.10.Overview of main silica aerogel producers
1.11.Polymer aerogel overview and player analysis
2.1.What is an aerogel?
2.2.How are aerogels made?
2.3.A brief history of aerogels
2.4.Supercritical drying process: overview
2.5.Supercritical drying process: closed loop
2.6.Supercritical drying process: autoclave loading
2.7.Supercritical drying advancements
2.8.Ambient pressure drying process - Cabot Corporation
2.9.A comparison of aerogel manufacturing processes
2.10.Silica aerogel properties
2.11.Quantitative benchmarking study
2.12.Different forms of aerogels
2.13.Silica aerogel properties by pure form
2.14.Advanced silica aerogel properties
2.15.Silica aerogel precursors
2.16.Aerogel tree by type
3.1.Comprehensive company list, capacity and status
3.2.Comprehensive company list, capacity and status
3.3.Development of supercritical aerogel manufacturing processes
3.4.Hype curve of aerogel by application
3.5.Patent infringement news and outlook
3.6.Aerogel patent analysis: main players
3.7.Aerogel google trends
3.8.Market forecast information and overview
3.9.Market forecast by industry sector
3.10.Market forecast by aerogel type
3.11.Revenue of aerogel manufacturers and COVID-19 impact
3.12.Capacity of aerogel manufacturers
3.13.Upcoming notable capacity expansions
3.14.Chinese manufacturers - status and outlook
3.15.Geographical distribution of aerogel manufacturing
3.16.ecommerce sites for aerogels
3.17.Market leaders overview: Aspen Aerogel
3.18.Market leaders overview: Cabot Corporation
3.19.Aerogels - Recent Progress and Applications in China
4.1.Silica composite aerogels - matrix reinforced. Aspen Aerogel products
4.2.Silica composite aerogels - matrix reinforced. Aspen Aerogel manufacturing
4.3.Silica composite aerogels - cost analysis
4.4.Silica composite aerogels - composites formed from powders and granules
4.5.Silica composite aerogels - Armacell and JIOS Aerogel
4.6.Research into opacifying composite silica aerogel
4.7.Silica composite aerogels - Huntsman and Cabot Corporation case study
4.8.Powder aerogel SWOT analysis
4.9.Granule aerogel SWOT analysis
4.10."Aerogel-like" products
4.11.Silica aerogel in end-user liquid products
4.12.Silica Aerogel powder manufacturing processes
4.13.Cost optimised ambient pressure drying process - university research
4.14.Powders and granules prepared under ambient pressure - university research
4.15.Organic crosslinkers
4.16.Monolith prepared under ambient pressure
4.17.Rapid supercritical extraction
4.18.3D printing of aerogels
4.19.Alternative monolithic aerogel manufacturing processes - university research
4.20.Cost progression for powder and granule silica aerogels
4.21.Market share for silica granule and powder manufacturers
4.22.Silica aerogel from sustainable feedstocks
5.1.Polymer aerogels - introduction
5.2.Polymer aerogels - Aerogel Technologies
5.3.Polymer aerogels - Blueshift Materials
5.4.Polymer aerogels - BASF
5.5.Research into polymer aerogels
5.6.Research into polymer aerogels - NASA
5.7.Polymer aerogels used alongside graphene
5.8.Carbon aerogel - manufacturing and properties
5.9.Key carbon aerogel manufacturers
5.10.New research into carbon aerogels
5.11.Graphene and graphite aerogel
5.12.3D Printing of organic aerogels - carbon and graphene
5.13.Aerogels used alongside graphene
5.14.Sustainable aerogel - natural sources
5.15.Sustainable aerogel - waste material
5.16.Market forecast of carbon and polymer
6.1.Governmental drivers and domestic standards
6.2.Fire safety
6.3.Reducing vehicle emissions
6.4.Financial support and funding
7.1.Oil and Gas - refineries
7.2.Oil and Gas - pipelines
7.3.Industrial insulation
7.4.Building and construction - overview
7.5.Building and construction - panels and blankets
7.6.Building and construction - coatings and paints
7.7.Building and construction - plaster, concrete and bricks
7.8.Window insulation - Cabot Corporation
7.9.Window insulation - emerging research
7.10.District energy applications
7.11.Thermoelectric generators - General Motors
7.12.Apparel and footwear
7.13.Packaging - Cold chain
7.14.Beauty and cosmetics
7.15.Transportation - silica
7.16.Transportation - polymer aerogel
7.17.Sports equipment
7.18.Energy Storage Overview
7.19.Energy storage - thermal management for battery packs
7.20.Energy storage - silicon anodes
7.21.Energy storage - Li-S batteries
7.22.Energy storage - carbon aerogels as electrodes
7.23.Energy storage - Graphene aerogels
7.24.Energy storage - 3D printed aerogels
7.25.Energy storage - Hydrogen
7.26.Energy storage - supercapacitors
7.27.NASA - Aerogels for Space and Beyond
7.28.NASA - Aerogels for Space and Beyond
7.29.Fire retardant applications
7.30.Solar energy collection
7.31.Environmental impact solutions - air and liquid filtration
7.32.Environmental impact solutions - oil-spill remediation and desalination
7.33.Medical applications
7.34.Bone tissue engineering
7.35.Food and drink
7.36.EMI shielding
7.38.Electronics - thermal insulation
7.39.5G mobile phones - antenna modules
7.40.Antenna substrates - polymer aerogels
7.41.Low loss materials for 5G - polymer aerogels
7.42.Knudsen pumps
7.43.Defense applications
7.44.Fundamental research purposes
8.1.Forecast Methodology
8.2.Aerogel Market Forecast - Type
8.3.Silica Aerogel Market Forecast - Application
8.4.Silica Aerogel Manufacturers
8.5.Organic Aerogel Market Forecast - Application
에어로젤 시장은 2031년까지 7억 달러를 초과할 것이다

보고서 통계

슬라이드 173
전망 2031
ISBN: 9781913899349

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