Sami Kalliokoski, Business Development Director
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Speaker Biography (Sami Kalliokoski)Sami Kalliokoski is a Co-Founder of Agaidi, a Director of Electria Research Unit and a regognized RFID expert with over ten year experience in variable key positions in the RFID business. He has been responsible of million dollar RFID projects and have also filed several RFID patents. Kalliokoski is a former Director of RFID Lab Finland Business Cluster and current member of Board of Directors in DASH7 Alliance. Company Profile (Agaidi)Agaidi is a leading company in total wireless digital signage business. Agaidi's solution is a new digital communication channel for the public space operators that combine e-paper displays and RFID communication in innovative way. Agaidi's information system helps operators to better reach out to customers and improve customer service. Using Agaidi's solution, every surface could be a display where information is always up to date and context aware. |