Dr Steve Beeby, Reader
University of Southampton
United Kingdom
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Speaker Biography (Steve Beeby)Steve Beeby obtained a PhD from the University of Southampton in 1998 on the subject of micromechanical resonators. He was awarded a prestigious EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship in 2001 to investigate the combination of screen printed piezoelectric materials with micromachined structures. He is currently a Reader in the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. His research interests include energy harvesting, MEMS, active printed materials development and biometrics. He is the co-ordinator of an EU Framework 7 Integrated Project 'MICROFLEX' and is principal or co-investigator on a further 3 projects. He is a co-founder of Perpetuum Ltd, a University spin-out based upon vibration energy harvesting formed in 2004. He has co-authored one book, 'MEMS Mechanical Sensors' and published over 135 publications in the field and 5 patents. Company Profile (University of Southampton)University of Southampton Printed e-textile for wearable stroke rehabilitation |