Vibration-Driven Energy Harvestor using High-Performance Polymer Electrets (Energy Harvesting & Storage USA 2010)

Prof Yuji Suzuki, Professor
University of Tokyo

Presentation Summary

  • Development of nano-cluster-enhanced fluorinated polymer electrets
  • New efficient charging method for electrets
  • MEMS generator using polymer springs for low-frequency and broadband vibration
  • Current status and future direction of electret energy harvestors

Speaker Biography (Yuji Suzuki)

Prof. Yuji Suzuki received the Dr.Eng. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1993. He is currently with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Tokyo, as a Professor. His research interests include energy harvesting using polymer electrets, combustion-based microscale energy conversion such as thermophotovoltaic, and microthermofluids systems. He is a Steering Committee member of IEEE MEMS Conference, and served as a General Co-chair of MEMS2010 in Hong Kong.

Company Profile (University of Tokyo)

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Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of 16 engineering-related departments at the University of Tokyo established in 1879. Since then, Department of Mechanical Engineering played a major role in producing engineers to give birth and support key Japanese industries such as railroad, automobile, shipbuilding, airplane, heavy equipment, electric and steel. Now, the education and research fields evolved as industries spread and became more diversified. Currently, approximately 40 faculty members are intensively working on wide-range interdisciplinary engineering fields like micro/nano mechanical, environmental, energy-oriented, biomechanical, advanced design and production engineering.
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