Dr Harry Zervos, Technology Analyst
United Kingdom
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Speaker Biography (Harry Zervos)Harry Zervos is a Principal Analyst at IDTechEx. Harry received his degree in physics from the University of Athens, Greece, and went on to study materials science at Cranfield University, where he received his PhD on the topic of precision manufacturing of optics. He is currently involved with in-depth analysis of the technologies and markets for flexible electronics with a specific interest in displays & lighting and leads the research effort on energy harvesting and storage , looking into a variety of verticals, ranging from portable applications all the way to building, industrial and vehicle integration. Harry also studies the innovation impact of overarching trends such as the Internet of Things and People and shifting manufacturing paradigms such as 3D printing. Company Profile (IDTechEx)IDTechEx provides independent analysis on the development and application of energy harvesting, printed electronics, RFID, electric vehicles and allied technologies. You can trust IDTechEx to help you build your business. We provide consultancy, market research and executive-level events across the US, Europe and Asia. |