Webinar Tuesday 6 June - Redox Flow Batteries for Stationary Storage

Webinar Title: Redox Flow Batteries for Stationary Storage: Technologies and Markets
Date: Tuesday 6 June 2017
Presenter: Dr. Lorenzo Grande, Technology Analyst, IDTechEx
Space is limited - reserve your seat today!
Li-ion batteries have become increasingly intertwined with our consumer electronics and with future electric vehicles, however their wonder properties quickly fade when it comes to storing energy for long periods of time. Redox Flow Batteries (RFB) have recently emerged as an alternative for stationary storage applications, such as renewables integration. RFBs originated in the 70's as part of NASA's efforts to store and release electricity in space, and some of the most promising chemistries (all-vanadium, zinc/bromine, all-iron) are now available for purchase. Others, like hydrogen/bromine and organic RFBs, are at the R&D and validation stage.
This free webinar, based on IDTechEx's report (www.IDTechEx.com/redox) will give an overview of the following aspects:
- What is the working principle of redox flow batteries?
- How many types of RFBs are out there?
- Which are the most promising ones?
- Can RFBs also be used for automotive purposes?
We will be holding exactly the same webinar twice in one day. Please register for whichever session is most convenient for you.
Please note that your details may be shared with our sponsors.
Date: Tuesday 6 June 2017
Duration: 30 minutes plus 10 minutes for Q&A
Webinar #1: Europe & Asia-Pacific
10:00am (BST/GMT+1) London
11:00am (GMT+2) Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome
12:00noon (GMT+3) Athens, Jerusalem
4:00pm (GMT+7) Bangkok
5:00pm (GMT+8) Singapore, Taipei, Beijing
6:00pm (GMT+9) Tokyo, Seoul
7:00pm (GMT+10) Canberra
Webinar #2: Americas
9:00am (Pacific DT) USA & Canada
10:00am (Mountain DT) USA & Canada
11:00am (Central DT) USA & Canada
12:00noon (Eastern DT) USA & Canada
5:00pm (BST/GMT+1) London