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1.1. | Purpose of this report |
1.2. | Scope |
1.3. | Primary conclusions: the most successful forms of energy harvesting |
1.3.1. | Electrodynamics and photovoltaics |
1.3.2. | The energy positive house |
1.4. | Energy harvesting technology: 12 basic options compared |
1.5. | Attitude and success by technology in 2020 |
1.6. | Attitude and success by technology in 2030 |
1.7. | Primary conclusions: market trends |
1.8. | Example: wind turbines |
1.9. | Example: Off-grid addressable power |
1.10. | Example: Trends for wristwear |
1.11. | Primary conclusions: radically new formats |
1.12. | Primary conclusions: winning acoustic and electromagnetic frequencies |
1.13. | EM Frequencies where energy harvesting has been demonstrated |
1.14. | Primary conclusions: gaps in overall EH the market |
1.15. | Market forecasts, technology roadmaps: high power energy harvesting |
1.15.1. | Trends 2001-2019 |
1.15.2. | World electricity generation 2000-2050 |
1.15.3. | Global PV technology share $bn % 2040 |
1.16. | Low power energy harvesting forecasts by technology: under 10kW |
1.16.1. | Summary and roadmap 2020-2040 |
1.16.2. | Forecast for pico products with integral harvesting |
1.16.3. | Solar energy-independent cars 2019-2030 |
1.16.4. | Roadmap: harvesting for electronic devices 2020-2040 |
1.17. | Photovoltaic energy harvesting for electronics: units, unit price, market value 2020-2040 |
1.18. | Thermoelectric energy harvesting for electronics: units, unit price, market value 2020-2040 |
1.19. | Piezoelectric energy harvesting for electronics: market units, unit price, market value 2020-2040 |
1.20. | Triboelectric transducer and self-powered sensors 2020-2040 $ million |
1.21. | Electrodynamic energy harvesting for electronics: units, unit price, market value 2020-2040 |
2.1. | Features of energy harvesting for electronic devices |
2.2. | The energy harvesting toolkit: what we harvest |
2.3. | Some promising future applications by preferred technology |
2.4. | New energy harvesting simplifies system design |
2.5. | Power offered: technology choices for harvesting |
2.6. | Vibration harvesting |
2.7. | Trend to flexible and stretchable energy harvesting: big opportunity |
2.7.1. | Primary technologies of flexible photovoltaics |
2.7.2. | Technology readiness: stretchable and conformal electronics |
2.8. | Zero-emission microgrid harvesting: big opportunity |
2.9. | Most promising future applications by preferred technology |
3.1. | SOFT report on photovoltaics |
3.2. | Overview: amazing virtuosity |
3.2.1. | Extreme vehicles and indoors |
3.2.2. | Photovoltaic cooking without batteries |
3.3. | Some of the important parameters |
3.4. | Here comes single crystal silicon for the biggest markets |
3.5. | Single crystal scSi vs polycrystal pSi vs amorphous |
3.6. | Big picture: wafer vs thin film photovoltaics 2020-2040 |
3.7. | PV mechanisms: status, benefits, challenges, market potential compared |
3.7.1. | Five mechanisms compared |
3.7.2. | The four basic mechanisms explained |
3.7.3. | Amorphous silicon, DSSC and CdTe are dying |
3.7.4. | Best research-cell efficiencies assessed 1975-2020 |
3.7.5. | Important PV options beyond silicon compared |
3.8. | Production readiness of Si alternatives |
3.9. | Thirteen new photovoltaic formats |
3.10. | Photovoltaics progresses to become paint and user material |
3.11. | Multifunctional solar glass |
3.12. | Solar car technologies compared: Sono, Lightyear, Toyota |
3.13. | Solar piazzas, driveways, roads: Platio Hungary |
3.14. | MEMS PV |
3.15. | Copper indium gallium diselenide: the detail |
3.15.1. | Operating principle |
3.15.2. | Solar Frontier, Manz, Flisom, EMPA, KIER, Renovagen, Sunflare |
3.16. | Perovskite: the detail |
3.17. | Quantum dot |
3.18. | Organic photovoltaics OPV Heliatek, Opvius, Armor |
3.19. | Dual technology photovoltaics |
3.20. | Wild cards 2D materials, nantennas |
3.20.1. | 2D materials |
3.20.2. | Rectenna nantenna-diode |
4.1. | Overview |
4.2. | Basics |
4.3. | Four ways to make a TENG |
4.4. | Targeted applications |
4.5. | Performance available matched to potential applications |
4.5.1. | Transparent, stretchable: an example |
4.6. | Triboelectric dielectric series and materials opportunities |
5.1. | SOFT report on thermoelectrics |
5.2. | Basics |
5.3. | Thermoelectric harvester improvement 2020-2040 |
5.4. | TEG layouts and materials |
5.5. | TEG material choices and improvement roadmap |
5.6. | Thin film thermoelectric generators |
5.7. | TEG materials, processing and designs compared |
5.8. | Alphabet Energy, BioLite, EnOcean, Gentherm, GPT, Jiko Power, KCF, Matrix, Marlow, |
5.9. | Automotive and IoT |
5.10. | PowerPot™ Biolite ™ and Spark ™ charging personal electronics |
5.11. | Other industrial, military |
5.12. | Collaborations, mergers and exits |
5.13. | Impactful new research |
5.13.1. | Thermoelectric power generation at room temperature |
5.13.2. | First stretchable thermoelectrics |
5.13.3. | TEG power boost by mechanical shuttling |
5.14. | Pyroelectric underwhelms |
6.1. | SOFT report on electrodynamics (electrokinetics) |
6.2. | Basics |
6.3. | EnOcean GmbH and EnOcean Alliance |
6.4. | Seiko Kinetic electrodynamically harvesting watch |
6.5. | Kinetron |
6.6. | Linear movement: Perpetuum, Seabased, Deciwatt, |
6.7. | Human movement harvesting |
6.8. | Crank charged consumer electronics |
6.9. | Travellers use wind, water |
6.10. | Principles of air and water turbines are the same: geometry |
6.11. | Electrodynamic wins at water and wind power: trend to distributed power |
6.12. | 6D movement harvesting |
7.1. | SOFT report on thermoelectrics |
7.2. | Basics |
7.3. | Piezo harvester application by mode |
7.4. | Piezoelectric materials |
7.5. | Medical: Conformal piezoelectric harvesting for implants |
7.6. | Automotive and aerospace |
7.7. | Wireless sensors, IOT |
7.8. | Printed and flexible piezoelectric harvesters |
7.8.1. | Gallium phosphate |
7.8.2. | Collagen piezoelectric for disposables, implants, wearables |
7.8.3. | MEMS |
7.8.4. | Examples of MEMS harvesting Algra, Arveni, Microdul, Midé |
8.1. | Wave + wind |
8.1.1. | Seabased |
8.1.2. | Marine Power Systems |
8.2. | Wind + photovoltaics |
8.3. | Triboelectric TENG with other harvesting: experimental |
8.4. | Thermoelectric + solar: Matrix PowerWatch 2 |
幻灯片 | 250 |
预测 | 2040 |