AI 기술이 웨어러블 산업에 미칠 영향

2023 is likely to be remembered as the year of artificial intelligence (AI). Hype around AI has soared post public release of Chat-GPT, impacting almost all emerging technology sectors - including wearables. In this webinar IDTechEx will discuss the interplay between AI technology and wearable technology, and how these industries are likely to evolve together in the years ahead. Topics covered will include:
  • The state of the wearables market in 2023
  • Assessing the value proposition of combining AI with wearable data
  • Case studies across multiple form-factors - Smart watches - could AI unlock advanced medical monitoring applications?; Skin patches - is AI software the key to unlocking the consumer market for continuous glucose monitors?; Brain computer interfaces - will AI gift earphones with mind-reading powers?
  • Outlook for the future: hype vs. reality
More details and ten-year market forecasts can be found in IDTechEx's comprehensive report "Wearable Technology Forecasts 2023-2033". This report is the culmination of IDTechEx's research in wearable technology over the past decade. It contains granular 10-year market forecasts of the wearables industry, consisting of 45 forecast lines across five key wearable technology sectors: wrist-worn wearables (smartwatches), hearables, AR and VR headsets, electronic skin patches, and smart clothing. This report endeavors to provide high-value data and insight across the wearables market and thus includes historic revenue and sales volume dating back to 2013, with market forecasts from 2023-2033.
