8 Feb 2016

IDTechEx Show! - NASA Langley & National Institute Aerospace Win Award
Energy Harvesting & Storage USA: The Best Technical Development within Energy Harvesting and Storage Award went to NASA Langley Research Center, in collaboration with the National Institute of Aerospace, Virginia Tech, and North Carolina State University for the development of their multistage force amplification piezoelectric energy harvester.
19 Nov 2015

Winners of the 2015 IDTechEx awards on EH, IoT and 3D Printing
This year's IDTechEx awards on 3D Printing, Energy Harvesting & Storage and the Internet of Things were announced on Wednesday, Nov 18, during the IDTechEx Show! in Santa Clara, California. The 5 awards were presented by Mr John LeMoncheck, President & CEO of Cambrios, a distinguished leader of both innovative startups and public companies.
17 Sep 2015

Exotic new sources of free electricity: $50 billion market
High Power Energy Harvesting (HPEH) is a term beginning to be used for creation of electricity where it is needed using ambient "free" energy. That zero-pollution, high-energy conversion typically captures light (photovoltaics), heat difference (thermoelectrics and heat pumps) and movement (electrodynamics).
28 May 2013

Solar powered wheelchair wins
The chair uses lightweight and robust materials and high-efficiency solar cells with custom-fabricated solar panels that encompass over one square meter when deployed without adding significantly to its length, width, height or weight when stored.
10 Jan 2013

Piezoelectric energy harvesting: Developments, challenges, future
The days when piezoelectric energy harvesting was considered unreliable and had low power output are long gone. Hand in hand with the development of ultra low power electronics, energy harvesters have been drastically improving also.
9 Oct 2012

Supercapacitors USA presents the record breakers
The supercapacitor market continues to power up at 30% yearly with some little-known names taking some of the biggest orders at well over $10 million dollars each. These represent volume breakthroughs in applications such as train energy capture and the new application of protection and enhancement of electric car traction batteries.
31 Aug 2012

Energy harvesting, WSN, supercaps: 3 Events, 2 Days, 1 Venue
For the first time in this year's event in Washington DC on the 7th and 8th of November, a third event, focusing on supercapacitor technologies will be co-located, highlighting the advances, applications and adoption trends in this closely related field.