Low Cost Graphene & 2D Layered Material Inks for Printed Electronics (Graphene LIVE! Europe 2014)

Mr J. Patrick Frantz, CEO
Cambridge Graphene Platform
United Kingdom
2014 4월2일.


Berlin 2014 Audio Presentation - Cambridge Graphene Platform*

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Presentation Summary

• Brief overview of Cambridge Graphene Platform Ltd;
• Solution processing and scalable production process;
• Current technology status and development roadmap;
• Potential applications for transparent graphene and 2D layered material inks;

Speaker Biography (Patrick Frantz)

J. Patrick Frantz received BA (1995) and MEE (1997) degrees from Rice University and returned to Rice in 1999 to serve as the Executive & Technical Director for the Center for Multimedia Communications. In 2006 he was awarded the Outstanding Young Engineering Alumnus award for his efforts in international engineering education. Shortly thereafter, Patrick moved to Japan, working in the semiconductor and display industries (Xilinx, Barco and UniPixel Displays) and receiving an MBA from Temple University Japan in 2011. Patrick is currently the President & CEO of planarTECH LLC in the US and CEO of Cambridge Graphene Platform Ltd in the UK.

Company Profile (Cambridge Graphene Platform Ltd)

Cambridge Graphene Platform Ltd logo
Via proprietary solution processing techniques, Cambridge Graphene Platform develops and produces low-cost printable inks derived from graphene and other 2D layered materials, addressing limitations that have impeded the progress of the plastic electronics industry for decades and representing a crucial step forward in enabling fully flexible electrical components and connecting interfaces. Cambridge Graphene Platform's inks are composed of chemically pristine graphene (or other 2D materials), are produced with a scalable production process, require no post-processing and are suitable for many coating techniques.
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