SMA Actuators Shaking Up The Smartphone Market (Sensors USA 2019)

Dr Marc Scholz, Senior Systems Engineer
Cambridge Mechatronics Ltd.
United Kingdom


USA 2019 _ Cambridge Mechatronics Ltd. _ Presentation*
USA 2019 _ Cambridge Mechatronics Ltd. _ Presentation*
USA 2019 _ Cambridge Mechatronics Ltd. _ Presentation*

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Presentation Summary

Cambridge Mechatronics Ltd (CML) uses proprietary shape memory alloy (SMA) technology in smartphone camera actuators to provide enhanced image quality through optical image stabilisation. SMA-based camera actuators are now shipping in volumes of millions a month. The next major development in SMA technology is expected to be the launch of CML's haptics actuator, set to shift the boundaries of tactile interaction and create opportunities for application developers and designers of next-generation smartphone handsets.

Speaker Biography (Marc Scholz)

Marc joined CML in 2015, initially working on the performance and control of CML's OIS actuators and the early prototype development of CML's AF+OIS technology. Today, he is responsible for the technical development of CML's haptic actuators and their delivery into mass production.
Marc has a degree in Physics from Cardiff University and a PhD in advanced composite materials from the University of Bristol.

Company Profile (Cambridge Mechatronics Ltd.)

Cambridge Mechatronics Limited (CML) is a multidisciplinary engineering company that leverages smart materials to design and develop miniature motors (actuators) for use across a variety of applications.
CML's patented platform technology uses a smart material called shape memory alloy (SMA). CML has world-leading expertise in designing SMA-based actuators for electronic devices. The SMA wires in CML's actuators are less than a human hair in diameter and can be controlled to an accuracy of the wavelength of light. These actuators are particularly suited to applications that require high precision and force in a compact and lightweight design.
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