Mr Francois Huber, CEO
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If you already have access, please [Login] Access is available via an IDTechEx Market Intelligence Subscription Presentation SummaryThe explosive growth of intermittent renewable energy is creating new segments in the energy storage market. Some of them will be best served by flow batteries, which can store large amounts of energy with a very long lifetime. Kemwatt has designed the world's first industrial organic flow battery, with advanced, biodegradable electrolytes leading to competitive, robust, safe, low maintenance batteries ideally suitable for off-grid and smart grid applications (such as load-shifting, smoothing, emergency power, frequency regulation...) Speaker Biography (Francois Huber)François Huber (ME in chemical engineering, MBA) is the CEO of Kemwatt. He has a 25-year operational experience in various industrial fields. He worked with EDF, Philips and FLSmidth in renewable energy, electrical equipment and industrial systems, was the CEO of the French bureau of Blue H, a Dutch startup developing floating offshore wind turbines, and was also an international consultant for several years. Company Profile (KemWatt)Kemwatt develops groundbreaking stationary energy storage systems based on its unique organic flow battery technology. These solutions can be used in off-grid or smart grid setups for various applications such as load shifting, smoothing, ramping, emergency supply, frequency regulation... Kemwatt has designed the world's first industrial organic flow battery, with advanced, biodegradable electrolytes leading to competitive, robust, safe, long-life, low maintenance batteries. |