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1.1. | Executive summary: geographic breakdown |
1.2. | Executive summary: market forecast |
1.3. | Executive summary: challenges |
2.1. | 3D Printing is... |
2.2. | Advantages of 3D printing: rapid prototyping |
2.3. | Advantages of 3D printing: price |
2.4. | Advantages of 3D printing: design freedom |
2.5. | Advantages of 3D printing: more... |
2.6. | A brief history of 3D printing |
2.7. | Emergence of consumer-level 3D printing |
2.8. | Value chains: vendor lock-in |
2.9. | Value chains: free market materials |
2.10. | Value chain determines material prices |
2.11. | Broad spectrum |
3.1. | Drivers |
3.2. | Restraints |
4.1. | Printing processes and material compatibility |
4.2. | Welding |
4.3. | Welding: key players |
4.4. | Welding: equipment costs |
4.5. | Welding: SWOT analysis |
4.6. | Blown powder |
4.7. | Blown powder: key players |
4.8. | Blown powder: equipment costs |
4.9. | Blown powder: SWOT analysis |
4.10. | Selective laser melting |
4.11. | Selective laser melting: key players |
4.12. | Selective laser melting: SWOT analysis |
4.13. | Electron beam melting |
4.14. | Electron beam melting: key players |
4.15. | Electron beam melting: SWOT analysis |
4.16. | Metal+binder |
4.17. | Metal+binder: key players |
4.18. | Metal+binder: SWOT analysis |
4.19. | Sand+binder |
4.20. | Sand+binder: key players |
4.21. | Sand+binder: SWOT analysis |
4.22. | Selective laser sintering |
4.23. | Selective laser sintering: key players |
4.24. | Selective laser sintering: equipment cost |
4.25. | Selective laser sintering: SWOT analysis |
4.26. | Thermoplastic extrusion |
4.27. | Thermoplastic extrusion: Key Players |
4.28. | Thermoplastic extrusion: Machine prices |
4.29. | Thermoplastic extrusion: Build volume |
4.30. | Thermoplastic extrusion: Build speed |
4.31. | Thermoplastic extrusion: SWOT analysis |
4.32. | Stereolithography (SLA) |
4.33. | Digital Light Processing (DLP) |
4.34. | SLA/DLP: key players |
4.35. | Stereolithography/Digital Light Processing: SWOT |
4.36. | Inkjetted photopolymers |
4.37. | Inkjetted photopolymers: key players |
4.38. | MultiJet/PolyJet: SWOT analysis |
4.39. | Smooth curvature printing |
4.40. | Smooth curvature printing: key players |
4.41. | Smooth curvature printing: SWOT analysis |
4.42. | Selective Deposition Lamination (SDL) |
4.43. | Selective Deposition Lamination: key players |
4.44. | Selective Deposition Lamination: equipment cost |
4.45. | Selective Deposition Lamination: SWOT analysis |
4.46. | Hybrid CNC |
5.1. | Main players |
5.2. | Market breakdown by technology |
5.3. | Market breakdown by industry |
6.1. | Machine prices by printing process |
6.2. | Build volumes by printing process |
6.3. | Precision by printing process |
6.4. | Price vs speed |
6.5. | Price vs precision |
6.6. | Price vs Volume |
6.7. | Volume vs precision |
6.8. | Volume vs speed |
7.1. | Aerospace: Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) |
7.2. | Aerospace: GE fuel nozzles |
7.3. | KySat-2 |
7.4. | SULSA |
7.5. | Architecture: Adrian Priestman |
7.6. | Jewelry: prototype and production |
7.7. | Art: Strandbeests |
7.8. | Movie props |
7.9. | Clothing: N12 bikini |
7.10. | Education: brain surgery |
7.11. | Hobbyist: tooling, toys and puzzles |
7.12. | CSI: reconstructing crime scenes |
7.13. | Orthopaedics |
7.14. | Prototyping: Disney's AIREAL |
7.15. | Sport: fencing sword hilts |
7.16. | Consumer: Crayon Creatures |
8.1. | Market forecast: market value by industry |
8.2. | Market forecast: background information |
8.3. | Market forecast: market share by industry |
8.4. | Market forecast: growth by industry |
8.5. | Market forecast: value by technology |
8.6. | Market forecast: value by revenue stream |
8.7. | Market forecast: by printer price |
9.1. | 3D Ceram |
9.2. | 3D Systems Europe |
9.3. | 3DPonics |
9.4. | Advanced Powders and Coatings |
9.5. | Arcam AB |
9.6. | Arevo Labs |
9.7. | Argen Corporation |
9.8. | Beijing Jiruixintian Technology Co., Ltd |
9.9. | Beijing Tiertime Technology Co Ltd |
9.10. | Biobots |
9.11. | BMW |
9.12. | Boeing |
9.13. | BotFactory |
9.14. | Canatu |
9.15. | Chemcubed |
9.16. | Concept Laser GMBH |
9.17. | Cookson Precious Metals |
9.18. | CRP Group |
9.19. | Digilab Inc |
9.20. | Dyson |
9.21. | EFESTO LLC |
9.22. | envisionTEC Gmbh |
9.23. | EOS GmbH |
9.24. | EPSRC |
9.25. | Evonik |
9.26. | Exceltec |
9.27. | Fabrisonic LLC |
9.28. | Ford Motor Company |
9.29. | Formlabs |
9.30. | Fraunhofer Additive Manufacturing Alliance |
9.31. | Fripp Design Ltd |
9.32. | Graphene 3D Lab |
9.33. | Höganäs |
9.34. | Impossible Objects |
9.35. | Leapfrog 3D Printers |
9.36. | Legor Group |
9.37. | Lockheed Martin |
9.38. | Lomiko Metals |
9.39. | LPW Technology Ltd |
9.40. | LUXeXceL |
9.41. | MaukCC |
9.42. | MicroFab Technologies Inc |
9.43. | n3D Biosciences, Inc |
9.44. | The NanoSteel Company |
9.45. | Nascent Objects, Inc |
9.46. | NinjaFlex |
9.47. | Norsk Titanium |
9.48. | nScrypt Inc |
9.49. | Optomec |
9.50. | Orbital Composites |
9.51. | Organovo |
9.52. | Oxford Performance Materials |
9.53. | Rahn AG |
9.54. | Realizer GmbH |
9.55. | Reebok International |
9.56. | regenHU Ltd |
9.57. | RepRap Professional Limited |
9.58. | Sandvik |
9.59. | Sciaky Inc |
9.60. | Sinterit Sp. z o.o. |
9.61. | Solidscape |
9.62. | Star Prototype |
9.63. | Stratasys Ltd. |
9.64. | Taulman3D |
9.65. | TeVido Biodevices |
9.66. | The ExOne Company |
9.67. | TLC Korea |
9.68. | Toner Plastics |
9.69. | Viridis 3D |
9.70. | Volvo Construction Equipment |
9.71. | Voxel8 |
9.72. | Voxeljet Technology GmbH |
9.73. | Wanhao 3D printers |
9.74. | ZMorph |
슬라이드 | 116 |
Companies | 74 |
전망 | 2025 |