10 Apr 2024

CSIRO: MOF-Based DAC Technology (Airthena)
CSIRO is Australia's national science agency that undertakes multidisciplinary research. It is in the process of commercializing Airthena, its MOF-based DAC technology.
Included are:
6 Jul 2022

Low Temperature Nanoparticle Ink
A simple and versatile nanoparticle ink could help next-generation perovskite solar cells to be printed at scale and become the dominant force in commercial photovoltaics. Made from tin oxide, the ink is created with just one key step at relatively low temperature using microwave technology, and without any need for further purification. It's then used in solar cells to help selectively transport electrons, a crucial step in generating electricity.
Full profile interview
16 Mar 2022

Titomic are an Australian metal additive manufacturing company making cold spray printers using 'Titomic Kinetic Fusion' technology. IDTechEx spoke with non-executive director Dr. Andreas Schwer at Formnext 2021.
13 Jan 2022

$40 Million Funding to Drive Ultra Low Cost Solar
Ultra low cost solar was recently added as a priority technology in the Australian Government's latest Low Emissions Technology Statement, which set a stretch goal of $15 per megawatt hour, roughly a third of today's cost.
23 Dec 2021

Black Hole Eruption Spanning 16 Times the Full Moon
Astronomers have produced the most comprehensive image of radio emission from the nearest actively feeding supermassive black hole to Earth. The emission is powered by a central black hole in the galaxy Centaurus A, about 12 million light years away.
14 Sep 2021

Spoonful of Sugar for Longer Lasting Lithium Sulfur Batteries
Simply by adding sugar, researchers have created a longer-lasting, lighter, more sustainable rival to the lithium-ion batteries that are essential for aviation, electric vehicles and submarines.
13 Sep 2021

SpaceCows: Using AI to Tackle Feral Herds in Australia
Unmanaged feral cattle and buffaloes have a huge impact on biodiversity including land degradation, overgrazing of native vegetation, erosion and destruction to rivers and wetlands. CSIRO and Microsoft are working on the digital twin project, dubbed SpaceCows, as part of the collaborative satellite herd-tracking program.
8 Sep 2021

Low Cost Titanium Wire for Additive Manufacturing
The wire can be used to make large complex parts for markets such as aerospace, biomedical, defence, marine, automotive, construction and consumer goods.