10 Jun 2022

Stratasys are an American-Israeli manufacturer of 3D printers and materials, and are one of the oldest and most well-known 3D printing companies in the world.
19 Jan 2022

Why is the 3D Printing Market not Consolidating?
"We expect to see the additive manufacturing market consolidating in the near future" has been the refrain of many for nearly a decade now. The thought really strengthened after major acquisition moves by industry titans Stratasys and 3D Systems between 2010-2012. Stratasys would acquire wax 3D printer company Solidscape and merge with material jetting pioneer Objet in 2011-2012, while 3D Systems completed a jaw-dropping 13 acquisitions between 2011-2012. With so many major moves by market leaders in the early 2010s, it seemed like market consolidation was just around the corner.
27 Mar 2015

Product Development Technology - You Can't be a One-Trick Pony
Develop3d LIVE: a Product Development Technology conference at Warwick Arts Centre, on the University of Warwick campus, in the UK.
30 Dec 2014

Review of 3D Printing in 2014 and the outlook for 2015
2014 has been a big year for 3D printing. Even established 3D printing companies have been posting huge growth. Both Stratasys and Arcam, with their vastly different technologies, are expected to report year-on-year growth of 57% this year. This steep upward trend in 3D printer sales is reflected in IDTechEx forecasts in 3D Printing 2015-2025: Technologies, Markets, Players. This article review all the major events and developments in 2014 and will give the IDTechEx view on the outlook for 2015.
Full profile interview
10 Nov 2014

Beijing Tiertime Technology Co Ltd
Tiertime was formerly known as Beijing Yinhua Laser Rapid Prototyping and Mould Technology Co., Ltd., a company created by a Tsinghua Professor Yan Yongnian, who is recognized as the first person to explore 3D printing in China. Tiertime is currently the single largest manufacturer of 3D printers in China,
29 Oct 2014

The graphene industry finds new market opportunities in California
The 5th IDTechEx conference and tradeshow on graphene and 2D materials- Graphene and 2D Materials LIVE! - has become the annual meeting place for the global graphene industry in California.
23 Oct 2014

3D printing industry will reach over $14B by 2025
The latest forecasts by IDTechEx, including ten key markets, show the 3D Printing Industry will reach over $14B by 2025.
Full profile interview
6 Dec 2013

Stratasys Ltd.
IDTechEx have updated their profile of Stratasys, following the release of its surprising 2015 financial results.
Full profile interview: SWOT
18 Nov 2013

Argen Corporation
Full profile interview: SWOT
16 Aug 2013

Cookson Precious Metals
Full profile interview
11 Jul 2013

This profile details the strategy employed by Solidscape, a Stratasys company, and the target markets the company is focused on. It unique technology offering is described and analysed in the context of global market trends for 3D printing. The company faces a number of immediate threats from competitors however and these are presented.
Included are: