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Spreadsheet-based database
This spreadsheet-based database includes unit sales and specifications for the best selling BEV and PHEV cars in China, Europe and the US. This covers 145 models with even more individual variants. Specifically, this includes:
  • Units sales in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 for China, Europe and the US
  • Start and end year of production
  • Battery capacity (kWh)
  • Battery cell type (cylindrical, pouch, prismatic)
  • Battery supplier
  • Battery cell chemistry (NMC 111, NMC 811, LFP, etc.)
  • Battery cell and pack energy density (Wh/kg)
  • Battery thermal management (air, liquid, refrigerant)
  • Number and combined power output of motors (kW)
  • Motor type (permanent magnet synchronous, induction, etc.)
The spreadsheet also includes some of the key plots for 2015-2020 such as battery demand by region, the number of electric traction motors sold and battery chemistry market shares. Many more insights and trends can also be analysed using this database.
Unit sales for the most popular BEV and PHEV cars worldwide
The electric car market has grown rapidly over the past 5 years, with 2020's global sales of battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) being 5.5 times larger than in 2015. In fact, 2020's sales were 44% higher than that of 2019 despite the impact of COVID related shutdowns on the automotive industry. Within this growing market, we are seeing several trends when we look at batteries and traction motors. Higher Nickel cathodes are becoming more common, battery capacities are increasing and energy density too.
This spreadsheet-based database from IDTechEx includes the unit sales for the most popular BEV and PHEV cars in China, Europe and the US for each year between 2015-2020. 145 models and more of their variants are detailed. Along with the sales data and where known from primary and secondary sources, specific values are given for battery capacity (kWh), cell type (cylindrical, pouch etc.), battery supplier, cell chemistry (NMC 111, NMC 811, LFP, etc.), cell and pack energy density (Wh/kg), battery thermal management (air, liquid, etc.), number and combined peak power output of the traction motors (kWp) and the type of motor (permanent magnet synchronous, induction, etc.). Using this database, several interesting trends around batteries and electric motors in the electric car market can be investigated and analysed.
Example charts obtainable through the IDTechEx Electric Car Sales, Models & Technologies Database
Example charts obtainable through the IDTechEx Electric Car Sales, Models & Technologies Database.
In some cases, industry trends can be determined by a single model or manufacturer. This is an important reason for having a breakdown by individual models, in order to determine if trends are industry-wide or just driven by a small subset of models with strong sales. Using this database of sales segmented by model enables a granular investigation of the trends and emerging technologies in the electric car industry. Information within the database has been obtained through extensive research carried out by IDTechEx from a variety of sources including both primary and secondary information from public records, press releases, government reports, OEM manufacturers and interviews with OEMs and tier 1 suppliers.
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アイディーテックエックス株式会社 (IDTechEx日本法人)
担当: 村越美和子 m.murakoshi@idtechex.com



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