
Commercialization of solutions based printed electronics has gathered pace in 2022, with the shift in focus from new technologies to new applications continuing. As a platform technology that enables electronics to be deployed into new devices and hence facilitate new applications, printed electronics is gaining traction across sectors as diverse as healthcare, automotive, industrial automation, and consumer goods. This webinar will review significant developments in the commercialization of printed electronics across 2022, outline what to watch in 2023.
This webinar includes:
  • Case studies showing successful commercialization examples from 2022 across multiple market sectors
  • Discussion of anticipated announcements in 2023 across the printed/flexible electronics sector, based on IDTechEx's conference attendance and discussions with industry players throughout 2022
  • A brief assessment of the status and potential of printed/flexible electronics across automotive, healthcare, consumer goods, and industrial automation
  • Identification and assessment of technological gaps that will likely be an R&D focus in 2023
More detailed information, including the full market forecasts, can be found in IDTechEx's extensive range of reports on printed/flexible electronics. These include printed/flexible sensors, in-mold electronics, 3D electronics, materials for printed/flexible electronics, flexible hybrid electronics, conductive inks, flexible electronics in healthcare and more.
Q&A Session
There will be a Q&A session at the end of this webinar, where Dr Dyson will answer a few questions that have been sent in.
Please send your questions to a.garrington@IDTechEx.com by Thursday 24th November. Please note that we will not have time to answer all of the questions sent in.


Dr Matthew Dyson
Dr Matthew Dyson
Principal Technology Analyst