Decisions and Drivers for Efficient Development of Printed Electronics Applications (Printed Electronics and Photovoltaics USA 2011)

Dr David G Sime, Director of Technology Transfer
United States


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講演者の経歴 (David G Sime)

Dr. David G. Sime is the Director of Technology Transfer at Soligie, Inc. Educated in Applied Physics and Information Science, Dr. Sime spent many years in the Atmospheric and Space Sciences working on instrument development, experiments, and analysis with NASA and NSF including roles as Program Scientist and Principal Investigator. He also served as Program Director at NSF. Dr. Sime has worked in the business and technical sides of new technology development in the optics, display, and functional printing industry for almost 20 years. This has included work with lighting, display, sensor, and control systems, involving both basic development and commercialization."

会社紹介 (Soligie)

Soligie logo
Soligie utilizes high speed, roll-to-roll manufacturing to produce printed electronics with a variety of conductive, resistive and proprietary materials on flexible substrates such as PET, paper and foil. Soligie offers a full range of services including: concept design, circuit design, design for manufacturability and final volume production. We combine emergent materials with proprietary manufacturing processes and produce electrical components such as memory, sensors, displays and batteries for integration onto thin, flexible substrates. Soligie currently serves the military, medical device, smart packaging, RFID and flexible interconnect markets.
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