Presentations for 2014

3D Printing LIVE! Europe 2014

3D Technologies - a Decade of Progress and Experiences (1 Apr)
3D-Digital and Mask-Based High Aspect Ratio Printing on Multilayer Ceramic Substrates (1 Apr)
Graphene and Additive Manufacturing: The Next Industrial Revolution (1 Apr)
The New Software Defined Supply Chain (1 Apr)
The Promise of Multi Materials 3D Printing (1 Apr)

3D Printing LIVE! USA 2014

3D printed circuit structures (PCS) (20 Nov)
3D Printing + Hydroponics = 3Dponics (19 Nov)
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: A View with Flextronics (19 Nov)
3D Printing Beyond the Prototype (20 Nov)
3D printing consumer Application (20 Nov)
Additive Manufacturing for Next Generation Rocket Engines (19 Nov)
Advanced Performance Enabling Additives in Next Gen 3D Materials: Enabling High Performance and Multifunction Materials (20 Nov)
Analysis of the 3D Printing Industry: Applications, Unmet Needs and Future Markets (19 Nov)
Bioprinting: 3D Rapid Prototyping for Biomedical and Tissue Engineering Applications (19 Nov)
Fueling the Revolution: The Future of 3D Printing (20 Nov)
How 3D Printing is Accelerating and Changing the Way We Design and Manufacture Products Today (19 Nov)
Market Forces: Materials, Machines, Software and what's Next (20 Nov)
Materials and Applications of Desktop 3D Printers for Rapid Prototyping (20 Nov)
Mind the Gap; Taking Additive Manufacturing from Prototyping to High Volume (19 Nov)
Multi-functionality: 3-D Printing Structures with Electronics (20 Nov)
Printing the Future of Optics (19 Nov)
Using Adaptive Control Technology in 3D Printers to Increase Resolution and Throughput (19 Nov)

Energy Harvesting & Storage USA 2014

A More Intelligent Window (19 Nov)
Advanced Silicone Films for EAP Applications (20 Nov)
Commercialization of Nanostructured Half-Heusler Thermoelectric Generators (19 Nov)
Designing Energy Harvesting Solar Powered Sensors (19 Nov)
Empowering IoT and wearables (20 Nov)
Energy Harvesting for Wearable Sensor Platforms for Personal Health and Personal Environmental Monitoring (19 Nov)
Energy Harvesting Market Trends and Forecasts (20 Nov)
Energy Harvesting: From Spacecraft Power to Enhancing Earth's Energy Space (20 Nov)
Energy-Harvesting Devices Replace Batteries in IoT Sensors (20 Nov)
High Efficiency, Thin, Flexible Solar Cells: Viable Energy for Autonomous Sensors (19 Nov)
Light Harvesting Technology Optimized for Indoor and Low Light/Mixed Light Applications (19 Nov)
Low Cost thermoelectrics for Waste Heat Recovery: The Someday is Here (19 Nov)
Merck KGaA's Liquid Crystal Window Technology - Crystal Clear Shading Solutions for Modern Living (19 Nov)
Next-Generation Demand Response for Renewables Integration (20 Nov)
SPD-SmartGlass: Can your glass do this?. (19 Nov)
State of the Art Electrochromic Glazing - Changing the Way Architects Design with Glass (19 Nov)
Thermoelectric Generators for Energy Harvesting from Automotive Exhaust Gas Waste Heat to Improve Vehicle Efficiency (19 Nov)
WSN Considerations for the Industrial Internet of Things. (20 Nov)

Energy Harvesting and Storage Europe 2014

[KEYNOTE PRESENTATION] SPD-SmartGlass: It is Everywhere You Look (2 Apr)
A Highly Efficient, Self-Sustaining System Solution for PV Energy Harvesting (1 Apr)
Autonomous Sensors (2 Apr)
Benefits of Energy Harvesting for Reliable Wireless Networks in the Process Industry (1 Apr)
Direct integration Lithium Micro Batteries for Highly Miniaturized Electronic Systems (1 Apr)
Driving the Desirability of Dye Sensitised Solar Cells (2 Apr)
Dynapic® Wireless: The Slim, Self-Powered Wireless Switch (1 Apr)
Enabling a Secure Connected World - Building Blocks for a Successful M2M Application (1 Apr)
Energy Harvesting using Solid State Thermoelectric High Temperature Power Generation Modules (2 Apr)
Energy Harvesting: Enabling Technologies for The Internet of Things (1 Apr)
Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Nodes Enabling an Internet of Things (1 Apr)
Harvesting of Energy through Affordable Manufacturing of Thermoelectric Materials (2 Apr)
Industrial Application of Thermal Energy Harvesting (1 Apr)
New Applications of 3G Switchable Film Face Huge Markets (2 Apr)
No Wires, No Batteries: Wireless Power Over Distance (2 Apr)
Novel Concept for Smart Windows (2 Apr)
PiezoNEMS: From Single Piezoelectric Nanowire to Nanogenerators, Towards Autonomous Nanosystems (1 Apr)
Possible Breakthrough in Home Automation (1 Apr)
Powering 'Internet of Things' Applications with Micro-Scale Energy Harvesting (1 Apr)
SolarLeaf - Energy Harvesting and Bio-Adaptive Shading (2 Apr)
Solid State Thin Film Batteries for Internet of Things (1 Apr)
The 4th Industrial Revolution (1 Apr)
Thermal Energy Harvesting Applications Update - Seven Years of Volume Production + Advanced System Design Trials (2 Apr)
Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting for Industrial Waste Heat Recovery (2 Apr)

Graphene LIVE! Europe 2014

A New Industrially Relevant Route to High Quality Graphene (2 Apr)
Cost Effective Production and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes (1 Apr)
Functionalisation - A Key Enabler for Realising the Full Potential of Graphene (2 Apr)
Graphene Flagship (1 Apr)
Graphene Oxide - The Technical Background (2 Apr)
Graphene/Carbon Applications as Metal Corrosion Inhibitor and Energy Applications (1 Apr)
Graphene: Analysis of Technology, Markets and Players (1 Apr)
Growth and Characterization of Large Area Graphene (2 Apr)
Low Cost Graphene & 2D Layered Material Inks for Printed Electronics (2 Apr)
New Graphene-Based Products Manufacturing and Characterization (2 Apr)
Optimizing Carbon Nanomaterial Systems for Commercial Applications (2 Apr)
R&A: From Lab To Market (2 Apr)
Scalable Routes for the Synthesis and Commercialisation of Graphene (2 Apr)
Supercapacitors Based on Mixtures of Graphite/Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes (1 Apr)
The Role of Graphene in Batteries and Super-Capacitors (1 Apr)
Towards High-Efficiency Nanowire/Graphene Hybrid Solar Cells (2 Apr)

Graphene LIVE! USA 2014

Advances in Technology Development for the Production and Applications of Graphene Based Materials (19 Nov)
Advantages of the Liquid Exfoliation Route to Graphene (20 Nov)
Electrospun Graphene Nanoribbons for Energy Storage Applications (19 Nov)
Exfoliation and Dispersion of Boron Nitride Nanosheets (20 Nov)
From Graphite to Graphene (20 Nov)
Graphene Biosensors — The Next Frontier In Medical Diagnostics (20 Nov)
Graphene Commercialisation. Real World Applications in 2016 (20 Nov)
Graphene growth towards commercialization (20 Nov)
Graphene Oxide Status (20 Nov)
Graphene Supercapacitors for Rapid Battery Charging (19 Nov)
Graphene: Show me the Money (19 Nov)
Inkjet-Printed Graphene for Energy Storage and Sensor Application (19 Nov)
Opportunities and Challenges for Transitioning Graphene Materials in Aerospace Applications (19 Nov)
Properties of Plasma Produced Graphene Nanoplatelets and Electrical Conductivity Applications (20 Nov)
Realizing the Potential of Graphene in Real-World Applications (20 Nov)
Supercapacitor Markets 2014-2024 (19 Nov)
Vittoria Tires & Wheels powered by Directa Graphene Plus (19 Nov)

Internet of Things & WSN Europe 2014

Big Data Begins with Little Data, Internet of Things (1 Apr)
Bluetooth Mesh Networks for IoT (1 Apr)
Central Monitoring and Troubleshooting of IoT Networks - Meeting the SLA Challenge (2 Apr)
Connected Body - Connected Life (2 Apr)
Driving the M2M business - New business opportunities through innovation and partnerships (1 Apr)
EPIC's Battery-Free SensingDecals and SmartLogos: IoT for the impossible! (2 Apr)
Harnessing free Energy: Ultra-low Power Energy Harvesting Circuits for Smart-Buildings, Wearable Devices, and Factory Automation (2 Apr)
Maximizing Power Output of Energy Harvesting Systems with Optimized Power Management (2 Apr)
RFID in Automotive Industry - One Unique Solution at Volvo Cars (2 Apr)
Roadside Monitoring System - the Intelligent Crash Barrier (2 Apr)
RTLS as Key Enabling Technology for the Internet of Things in Smart Factories: Real-Life Examples (2 Apr)
Scaling the Internet of Things (IoT) (1 Apr)
Smartphone Innovation to Complement M2M (2 Apr)
Standards are Slow, but not Stupid - What you may Expect from the oneM2M Global Initiative on M2M Standardization (2 Apr)
Standards are Stupid: Why You Should Stop Waiting, and Just Ship Something (2 Apr)
Tackling the Challenges of Accuracy, Reliability, Range and Density in RTLS Systems Thanks to UWB Technology (1 Apr)
The Advantages of Using an ASIC in Energy Harvesting (2 Apr)
The Next Evolution Of Wireless Connectivity To Meet IoT Requirements (1 Apr)

Internet of Things Applications USA 2014

(19 Nov)
(20 Nov)
Bringing the IoT to Life (20 Nov)
Closing The Gap Between Existing And Needed Sensors For The Internet-of-Things Applications (20 Nov)
Connecting Up, Creating IoT Products the Fast, Easy, and Fun Way (20 Nov)
Enabling the Full Ecosystem - Why M2M Is Not Yet Where It Should Be (19 Nov)
From Energy Harvesting to the Internet of Things and Wearable Electronics: Status, Opportunity and Trends (19 Nov)
From Sensors and OLEDs to Products Customers Love (19 Nov)
Innovations, Open Standard and Eco-system Accelerate Consumer Adoption of Connected Lighting to Internet of Things (19 Nov)
IoT cannot exist with Static, Predetermined Relationships (20 Nov)
IoT Revolution is Reinventing Markets (20 Nov)
LED lighting: Rethinking the Light Switch (19 Nov)
NFC Bridging the Internet of Things: Status Report, Payment Update, Hot Application Areas (20 Nov)
RAIN RFID Closing the Gap (20 Nov)
RAIN RFID Trends & Opportunities in IoT (20 Nov)
RAIN, the UHF RFID Alliance (20 Nov)
Securing the Internet of Things - Challenges and Opportunities for Passive Solutions (20 Nov)
Service Delivery Platforms: the Fast-Track to IoT Applications and Service Development (20 Nov)
The Audio Sensation: The Next Frontier for the Internet of Things (19 Nov)
The Emerging New World of Intelligent Things & Collaborative Autonomous Smart Systems (20 Nov)
The Internet of Things: Enhancing the Shopper's Journey (20 Nov)
The IoT and Street Lighting: 200k Nodes and Counting (19 Nov)
The Secret to Making Wearables Relevant (20 Nov)
The User Experience of Predictive Analytics in the IoT (19 Nov)

Printed Electronics Europe 2014

(1 Apr)
A Smarter Everyday Powered by Printed Electronics - Bringing Intelligence to Everything (2 Apr)
A Smarter World with Low Cost High Performance Printed RF-ID and NFC Tags (1 Apr)
Advanced Vacuum Deposition of Contact Layers on Flexible Substrates (2 Apr)
Advances in c-Si Cells Metallization Technology (2 Apr)
All Inkjet-Printed Touch Screen (2 Apr)
Annealing Free, Ambient Conductive Metal Nanoink (2 Apr)
Applications of Photonic Curing, and Enabled Materials (2 Apr)
Applications, Needs, and Requirements for Printed Electronics in Aerospace (1 Apr)
Archipelago: Delivering High Precision Nanostructured Materials at Scale (2 Apr)
Building Supply Chains for Smart Packaging (2 Apr)
CNB™ Films for High Contrast, Flexible and Formable Touch (2 Apr)
Designing with Printed Interactive Graphics for Consumer Packaged Goods (2 Apr)
Direct Ionizing Radiations Detectors based on Organic Semiconducting Single Crystals (2 Apr)
Dyesol, DSC and Silver inks (1 Apr)
Expand your PE Possibilities with OrgaconTM Printable Conductors (2 Apr)
Flexible Bistable Reflex Displays and Applications (1 Apr)
From Printing Materials to Printing Hybrid Systems (2 Apr)
Functional Inkjet Printing from Research to Production (2 Apr)
High Efficiency Colour Displays; Fundamentals, Fabrication and Resident Elephants (1 Apr)
High Speed Deposition of ALD Ultra-Barrier Films (2 Apr)
Iridium-Free OLED Solutions for the Whole Color Spectrum (1 Apr)
It's Great to be in Touch (2 Apr)
Low-power, Flexible, Color-Tunable Surfaces (1 Apr)
Metal Mesh for Touch Panels and Beyond (1 Apr)
Nano-Ag Conductors for OLEDs and other Printed Electronics Applications (2 Apr)
Needs and Desires for Printed Electronics in Packaging (1 Apr)
New Applications and Opportunities for Printed Sensors (2 Apr)
New Solid-Printing innovation for Ideal Printed-Electronics application (2 Apr)
Noble Metal Materials for Future Printed Electronics (2 Apr)
Non-contact motion in vacuum for OLED deposition processes (2 Apr)
Novel Roll-to-Roll Equipment for R&D and Pilot/Series Production of Flexible Electronics (2 Apr)
OLED Display Markets, Trends and Strategies (1 Apr)
Opportunities for Printed Electronics in Sport Products (1 Apr)
Options and Limits of Printed Electronics for Solid State Lighting (1 Apr)
Organic Photovoltaics for Energy Harvesting and Off-Grid Markets (1 Apr)
Organic Solar Films for Active Integrated BiPV Materials (1 Apr)
OTFT Technology: Enabling Transformational New Applications (1 Apr)
Power in Fibre Form: the Development and Application of Solar Cells and Storage in Textiles (2 Apr)
Printed Electronics Building Blocks, Integration and Costs for Volume Production (2 Apr)
Printed Electronics Use in Wearable Products (2 Apr)
Printed Flash Memories and Sensors (2 Apr)
Printed Optical Sensors : A Disruptive Technology for Industry 4.0 and Internet-Of-Things, Connected and Smart Objects, Innovative User Interfaces for Display and Consumer Products. (2 Apr)
Printed Silicon Technology: Sensors and Other Applications (2 Apr)
Printed, Flexible and Organic Electronics 2014-2024 (1 Apr)
PyzoFlex® and the World of Human-Machine-Interfaces (2 Apr)
Rapid Permeation Measurements for Ultra High Barrier Materials (2 Apr)
Roll-to-Roll Production of Ultra-barrier Films (2 Apr)
Sensing Opportunities in Home Appliances Enabled by Printed Electronics Technologies (1 Apr)
SIMS: A Smart Integrated Biosensor System (2 Apr)
Smart RFID Labels with CMOS and Printed Sensors (1 Apr)
Stepwise Process Optimisation for Printed Electronics Manufacturing from Small Scale Sheet-to-Sheet to Pre-Industrial Roll-to-Roll Production (2 Apr)
Synthesis of Nano Metal Particles and their Application in Inks for Low Temperature Sintering (2 Apr)
T+Ink of the Possibilities (1 Apr)
TCF Alternatives to ITO, Applications & Markets (2 Apr)
Textile Integrated Printed Electronics (2 Apr)
The Security Print Industry and Plastic Electronics (1 Apr)
Towards Low-Cost, Efficient and Stable OPV Modules for Various Applications (1 Apr)
Ultra-Thin Glass in Printed Electronics Applications (2 Apr)
VacuTRAN: Vacuum Enabled Permeation Measurement (2 Apr)
Wall-Paper Electromagnetic Wave Filter: A New Niche Market for Printed Electronics (2 Apr)

Printed Electronics USA 2014

(20 Nov)
(20 Nov)
Adding Value to Paper with Printed Electronics (20 Nov)
Advanced Materials for Transparent Conducting Films (20 Nov)
Advances in Additive Manufacturing of Electronics (19 Nov)
Advances in Thin, Printable Conductors (20 Nov)
Applications of Photonic Curing, and Enabled Materials (20 Nov)
Are we there yet? What will it take for PE to achieve critical mass?" (20 Nov)
Automotive Applications for Printed Electronics (19 Nov)
Barrier Films Scale-Up (20 Nov)
Clevios PEDOT:PSS Transparent Conductive Polymer Film (20 Nov)
Conducting Polymer Devices for Neural Interfacing (20 Nov)
Conductive and Semiconducting Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Inks (20 Nov)
Customized Solutions for Rapid Photonic Processing (20 Nov)
DEK Solar Solution to Super Fine Line Printing (19 Nov)
Electroactive Fluorinated Polymers for Printed Electronics (20 Nov)
Exploring the Applications of Nanotube-Based Semiconductors and Conductors (20 Nov)
Films for flexible and 3D touch revolution (20 Nov)
Flexible Hybrid System Integration: Combining Printed Sensors with Flexible ICs (20 Nov)
Global Markets for PV Technologies to 2016 (19 Nov)
Gravure Printing for the Manufacturing of Printed Electronics - Opportunities and Challenges (20 Nov)
High Resolution Printing Technology for R2R PE Process (20 Nov)
High Speed Low Cost ALD Ultra Barrier on Sheets and Rolls (20 Nov)
IMEC Services for Plastic Electronics (20 Nov)
Inkjet Printing for Thin Film Encapsulation (20 Nov)
Inkjet Printing of Functional Materials - From Research to Production (20 Nov)
Key Technologies for Commercialization of White OLED for Lighting Application (19 Nov)
Latest Developments in Low Cost Copper Ink Technology (20 Nov)
Life in the Neo-Sensor Age (19 Nov)
Low Temperature Photonic Sintering for Printed Electronics (20 Nov)
Mass Spectrometry: High Sensitivity and Rapid Control for Permeability Optimization in Ultra High Barrier Materials (20 Nov)
Mechanical Force Redistribution (MFR) Pressure Sensing Films—Developing New Markets Through the Transformation of Arbitrarily Large Surfaces into Sensate, Networked, Interactive Surfaces. (19 Nov)
New Applications for Electro-Active Polymers (20 Nov)
New Flexible and Freeform Products Enabled by Printed and Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Processes (20 Nov)
New Low-Cost Fabrication Method for LECs: Create Light in your Living Room (19 Nov)
OPV, an Industrial Reality (19 Nov)
Powering the Internet of Everything. Using Printed Electronics to Create a Truly Connected World (19 Nov)
Printable Solar Cells: A Manufacturing Evolution in the Making (19 Nov)
Printed Electrochemical Biosensors for Epidermal Integration (19 Nov)
Printed Electronics 2014-2024: Progress, Money and Opportunities (19 Nov)
Printed Photodetectors and Plastic Image Sensors : a Breakthrough Technology for Creation of New Products, New Usages and Services (19 Nov)
Pulp Fiction: The Use of Printed Electronics in Consumer Paper Products (19 Nov)
Pushing the Limits in Roll to Roll Printing and Coating of Printed Electronics (19 Nov)
Revolution of Display and Communication - The ePaper & RFID Technology in YFY Corporation (20 Nov)
Roll-to-Roll Sputter Deposition on Ultra-Thin Flexible Glass Substrate (19 Nov)
The latest Fine Line Screen Printing Technology (20 Nov)
Transparent Barrier Films and Adhesives for Flexible Electronics (20 Nov)
Welcome and Introduction (19 Nov)
Why Smart Packaging? (19 Nov)

Supercapacitors Europe 2014

A New Generation of High Energy Carbon/Carbon Supercapacitors in Environment Friendly Electrolytes (2 Apr)
Achievements and Perspectives of Supercapacitor Technology (2 Apr)
Can Supercapacitors Replace Batteries? (1 Apr)
Carbons in Supercapacitors: Characteristics and Performance (2 Apr)
Development of Flexible Printed Circuit Embedded Supercapacitors - Examples for Consumer Electronic Applications (1 Apr)
Experiences with Dynamic Energy Storage Systems Based on Ultracapacitors on Commercial Hybrid Buses and Trucks (1 Apr)
Latest Supercapacitors Developments (2 Apr)
Natural Cellulose: A Green Alternative Binder for High Voltage Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors (2 Apr)
Non-Destructive Methods & Devices for Testing Next Generation Batteries and Super Capacitors During Development and Production, Ensuring Safety & Reliability (2 Apr)
Printed Supercapacitors: Manufacturing, Electrical Properties and Life-Time (2 Apr)
Progress in Supercapacitor Development (2 Apr)
Supercapacitors as Fuel Cell Life Extenders (1 Apr)
Testing of Supercapacitors and the Effect of Test Procedures on the Results - Capacitance, Resistance, and Energy Density (2 Apr)
Very Thin Nanofiber Based Separators with Low ESR for Supercapacitors (2 Apr)

Supercapacitors USA 2014

(20 Nov)
A New Generation of Supercapacitors: Reconsidering Cheap Conducting Polymers for Low-Cost Energy Storage (20 Nov)
Compatible In-plane Microsupercapacitors for Wearable Electronics (20 Nov)
EV and Infrastructure is not a Chicken-and-Egg Question. (20 Nov)
High fidelity, multi-dimensional supercapacitor thermal modeling (20 Nov)
Maximizing ROI with Enhanced Ultracapacitor Module Designs (20 Nov)
Present and Future Supercapacitors: Technology and Applications (19 Nov)
Separators for Supercapacitors: a Technical Comparison (20 Nov)
Supercaps Improve Engine Start Reliability for Wide Range of Transportation Uses (19 Nov)
The Printed Battery Story: Market Outlook and New Innovations (20 Nov)
Thin, Safe and Flexible Power for Wearable Electronics and Internet of Things Products (20 Nov)
Ultra Capacitor Development for use in Micro Hybrid Automotive Passenger Vehicle Applications (20 Nov)

Wearable Technology LIVE! USA 2014

(20 Nov)
Buss reduction method for arrayed sensors (20 Nov)
Flexible and Stretchable Electronics for Wearable and Healthcare Devices (20 Nov)
Pharma's Emerging Role in Digital Health (19 Nov)
Power in Fibre Form: the Development and Application of Solar Cells and Storage in Textiles (20 Nov)
Printed Batteries and their Applications (19 Nov)
Printed Wearables (20 Nov)
Protection From the Inside Out: Submersion Safe and Corrosion Proof Solutions for Electronics (20 Nov)
Second Skin Printed e-Textiles (20 Nov)
Sensors and the Proteus Helius System (19 Nov)
Ten Years of Wearables - How Far Have We Come? (20 Nov)
The Future of Near-Eyed Displays (19 Nov)
Ultraflexible Devices and Electrodes for "Wearable Electronics" and Beyond. (20 Nov)
Wearable Sensing System for Remote Patient Monitoring (19 Nov)
Wearables don't have to be Wristables (19 Nov)