Low Temperature Photonic Sintering for Printed Electronics (Printed Electronics USA 2014)

Mr Lou R Panico, CEO
Xenon Corporation
United States


Santa Clara 2014 Presentation - Xenon Corporation*
Santa Clara 2014 Audio Presentation - Xenon Corporation*
Santa Clara 2014 Video Presentation - Xenon Corporation*

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1) Principles of Photonic Sintering / Introduction to High Energy Pulsed Light
2) Equipment Used in R&D and Production
3) New Patented Dual Pulse Technology and its Benefits
4) XENON Strategy for advancing Photonic Sintering

会社紹介 (XENON Corporation)

XENON Corporation logo
XENON has over 50 years of experience providing high energy pulsed light lamps and systems to industries as diverse as medical devices, optical storage media, displays and semiconductors. Our engineers have solved low-temperature curing problems for new process technologies, based on the extraordinary range of power and system flexibility of pulsed light. Our high peak energy lamp systems are used in emerging applications such as sintering nanoparticle inks on low-temperature substrates and low-temperature curing thin film materials such as organic photovoltaics, OLED displays and multi-layer flexible circuits.
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