R2R Multi-Coater for Printed Electronics (Printed Electronics Europe 2013)

Prof Dong Soo Kim,
Hanbat National University


Hanbat National University - presentation*
Hanbat National University - audio presentation*

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The contents of my presentation are:
1)Nano Multi-ESD Coater
2)Nano Gravure Coater
3)Application devices using roll coating system;
a)I developed micro gravure coater and using micro gravure coating system for 10seconds the coating thickness is 100nm, surface roughness is 9nm. We can produce 50nm thickness and roughness of about 5nm.
b)Organic electronic device fabrication process can be generally devided into the printing process are register control and the resolution of the fine printing pattern while the for the coating involve layer thickness and the roughness of the layer.

講演者の経歴 (Dong Soo Kim)

1)1991-2011 KIMM (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials), Vice
2)2012-present Hanbat National University, Professor of School of Global Convergence Studies, Director of Industry - University Cooperation Foundation.
3)a)history; abundant experiences over ten years in printing/coating
processes and equipment
b)topics; mainly focused on printing/coating processes and equipment(r2r gravure offset printing, r2r micro gravure coating)
c)applications; major research and development activities are oriented to industrial applications such as transparent conducting polymer film of OPV, OLED