Semiconductor 2.0 - A new industry starts to move (Printed Electronics Europe 2007)

Franz Padinger, CTO


NANOIDENT AG presentation*

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  • Opening of the NANOIDENT Organc Fab
  • First fab for printed electronics
  • Novel applications of printed electronics

講演者の経歴 (Franz Padinger)

Franz Padinger is Co-Founder & CTO of NANOIDENT Technologies AG. He is a world wide recognized scientist in the field of printed semiconductor photo physics and chemistry and responsible for NANOIDENT's R&D activities. Franz Padinger studied at the Johannes Kepler University Linz Technical Chemistry and Industrial Engineering and realized within his diploma work the world's first large area solar cells based on printed semiconductors. Based on the results of his diploma work, the company „Quantum Solar Energy Linz (QSEL)" was founded, where he headed the R&D and project activities from 1998 until 2003. Under his guidance QSEL became the world leader for plastic solar cells. By the end of 2002 QSEL has been successfully sold to Konarka Technologies Inc. (Boston, US) and renamed to Konarka Austria. After one more year as CTO of Konarka Austria Franz Padinger left Konarka Austria to co-found NANOIDENT.
Franz Padinger is author of numerous scientific publications in the field of printed semiconductors and cited as an inventor on several patents. During his career at Konarka Austria Franz Padinger also worked together with Prof. Alan Heeger, inventor of printed semiconductors and Nobel Laureate.


NANOIDENT is the leading nanotechnology company in the area of organic semiconductor based photonic sensors. We develop and produce a new class of opto-electronic sensors with outstanding technical characteristics and properties for market segments with high growth potential, such as security and life science.
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