Switch On The Future - Powering Switch Applications Using Various Radio Standards For Building Automation & The IoT With Ambient Energy (Energy Harvesting USA 2016)

Mr Troy Davis, OEM Sales
EnOcean Inc
United States


IDTechEx Show! USA Presentation - EnOcean Inc*
USA 2016 Audio Presentation - EnOcean Inc*

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Will cover several of the existing options EnOcean provides in self powered sensors, actuators, sensors, and beacons. There will also be discussions about how to enable your products to work without batteries. EnOcean, Zigbee and BLE can all be powered without batteries, EnOcean has millions of devices in the field operating today.

会社紹介 (EnOcean Inc.)

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EnOcean GmbH is the developer of the patented energy harvesting wireless technology marketed under the Dolphin brand. Headquartered in Oberhaching, near Munich, the company produces and markets maintenance-free wireless sensor solutions for batteryless applications in the Internet of Things, which are used for building and industrial automation, smart homes and LED light control. The EnOcean products are based on miniaturized energy converters, energy-efficient electronics and reliable wireless technology for a variety of standards. Leading product manufacturers have been relying on EnOcean wireless modules for their system solutions for the past 15 years and have installed the products in several hundreds of thousands of buildings around the world.
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