Towards the real Internet of Things - challenges and opportunities (Energy Harvesting & Storage USA 2010)

Dr Paul Havinga, Co-founder and CTO
Ambient Systems


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  • The use of wireless sensor networks 'on the move'
  • The need for self-organising networks and ultra-low power solutions
  • Check. Track. Trace. - making the right tradeoffs between conflicting requirements and possibilities
  • European research activities on The Internet of Things

講演者の経歴 (Paul Havinga)

Paul J.M. Havinga is a senior researcher and internationally recognized leader in the field of wireless sensor networking. Paul brings over 25 years of experience in wireless (sensor) networking, large-scale distributed computing, and energy efficient architectures. He is the chief architect of Ambients' technology, and provides a strong technology vision for the company and for the wireless sensing industry. Paul is also part-time professor at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, where he leads a group of researchers on pervasive computing systems.
The common theme in these areas is on the development of large-scale, heterogeneous, wireless, distributed systems. Research questions cover architectures, protocols, programming paradigms, algorithms, and applications. This research has resulted in over 230 scientific publications in journals and conferences.
Paul has a significant experience as project manager in several international research projects on wireless sensor networks and ubiquitous computing. In 2001 he initiated the first European project on wireless sensor networks (the EYES project), and has been involved in many national and international projects on wireless sensor networks since then.

会社紹介 (Ambient Systems)

Ambient Systems logo
Ambient Systems is a Dutch privately-owned technology firm that specializes in the development of innovative active RFID technologies based on wireless mesh networks.
Ambient's products provides integrated possibilities to monitor assets (CHECK), locate people and goods (TRACK) and build a historical record of both (TRACE). Ambient's wireless sensor networks have been proven in more numerous commercial deployments around the globe, ranging from improving safety and security in warehouse environments to moisture monitoring at golf courses. Ambient holds a number of patents and has received numerous awards. Ambient builds on its knowledge and years of experience in embedded systems, electronics, and communication networks and maintains its technological leadership position in the Active RFID market through its strong focus on research and product development.
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