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熱電冷却、加熱、ハーベスティング: 90社の企業分析、市場、ロードマップ 2022-2042年

SWOT 分析、材料、特許、製品、用途、地域、新規利用事例、ベストプラクティス、TEC、TEG、センサー、消費者、自動車、航空宇宙、国防、工業、地熱

製品情報 概要 目次 価格 Related Content
熱電気冷却、加熱およびハーベスティングが現在は部分的な成功に留まり、もっと後で完全な成功を遂げる理由を学んでください進化する最適な材料、パラメーター、デザイン、用途、技術および戦略に加え90社の企業比較、市場リーダー、成功要因、失敗、会社の意図および市場全体見通し2022-2042年を提供。包括的なバリューチェーンと低出力から高出力のシステムのサプライヤーの分析を盛り込んだ重厚な300ページ資料。エンドユーザー向け市場が勃興しています。必要なものは何か。何を注視すべきか。マルチリンガルで博士号レベルの IDTechEx アナリストによる数年に及ぶ調査に基づいています
Learn why thermoelectric cooling, heating and harvesting is partly a success now, partly later. Evolving optimal materials, parameters, designs, applications, technology and strategy with 90 company comparison, market-leaders, success factors, mistakes, company intentions and overall market forecasts 2022-2042. 300+ pages with complete value chain and low- to high-power systems suppliers analysed. End-user markets emerging. Discover what is required and who to watch. The research is based on years of investigation by multi-lingual, PhD-level IDTechEx analysts.
Only IDTechEx has comprehensive coverage of the commercial opportunities and future of thermal management. This report, part of a portfolio of related research, is concerned specifically with thermoelectrics, including temperature management of vehicle seats, autonomy systems, head-up displays, aircraft, instruments, and more.
The report even extends to creating useful electricity thermoelectrically. Its scope covers companies in the consumer, medical, military, automotive, aerospace, and industrial sectors.
Key Market Analysis
Readers will learn why thermoelectric cooling, heating, and harvesting is partly a great success now, partly to be a success later. Around 100 companies are covered, with 90 of these analyzed in-depth with extensive company comparisons.
This comprehensive overview explains evolving optimal materials, parameters, designs, applications, technologies, and strategies. Market-leader success factors and mistakes are identified, company intentions outlined and an overall market forecast is included for 2022-2042.
The report covers activities emerging in the complete value chain but primarily modules. Low- to high-power device and system suppliers are analyzed. The research is all based on years of investigation by multi-lingual, PhD-level IDTechEx analysts.
Questions answered in this report include:
  • 90 companies involved in thermoelectrics: profiles, SWOT reports, products, uniques?
  • Those that have the largest activity in which form of thermoelectrics and why?
  • Which companies to watch? What sectors do they target and why?
  • Which companies to employ, acquire, merge, emulate, avoid?
  • What does the roadmap of company thermoelectric initiatives 2022-2042 look like?
  • What worthwhile markets and dead ends are emerging?
  • Interpret patent and company research landscape?
  • What does the $billion global thermoelectric market 2022-2042 look like?
  • What is technically required for the future?
  • Regional distribution of effort and why?
This 327-page report full of illustrations, charts, photographs and analysis includes:
  • Executive summary and conclusions
In 30 densely packed pages, this overview presents the regional split of companies, patents by leading companies and overall by type with trends and commentary. There is a market forecast and company and technology roadmap, both for 2022-2042.
See the explanation of the basic types and their market dynamics. View the explanation and significance of medical, flexible, and other types emerging. Understand the compounds involved and the significance of certain companies moving to eliminate toxic and rare materials. See the impact of COVID-19 on automotive applications graphed by IDTechEx, because of their importance to thermoelectrics and their vulnerability.
  • 82 Companies in thermoelectric cooling and temperature management by country and where they are in the value chain
  • 64 Companies in thermoelectric energy harvesting and sensors by country and where they are in the value chain
  • 90 thermoelectric materials, modules, subsystems and end-equipment companies with research thrust and products illustrated and appraised including company SWOT assessments
This is the longest part of the report with detailed information on each company including location, products, strategy, partnerships, initiatives, product ranges, and important research as appropriate with successes, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats identified.
Further research
The IDTechEx report, "Thermal Management for Electric Vehicles 2021-2031" deeply investigates temperature control of large batteries, motors and power electronics in vehicles from materials to systems, showing liquid cooling in the ascendant but also covering air cooling.
Those wanting even more on thermoelectric generators and alternatives can read the IDTechEx report, "Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting and Other Zero-Emission Electricity from Heat 2022-2042". "Thermal Interface Materials 2021-2031: Technologies, Markets and Opportunities" covers all of this large, burgeoning business, critical to so many industries.
IDTechEx reports on electric vehicles, medical electronics, 5G and 6G communications and more also touch upon thermal management. See the full report portfolio for more.
IDTechEx のアナリストへのアクセス
すべてのレポート購入者には、専門のアナリストによる最大30分の電話相談が含まれています。 レポートで得られた重要な知見をお客様のビジネス課題に結びつけるお手伝いをいたします。このサービスは、レポート購入後3ヶ月以内にご利用いただく必要があります。

アイディーテックエックス株式会社 (IDTechEx日本法人)
担当: 村越美和子
Table of Contents
1.1.Purpose of this report
1.2.Types of thermoelectric device
1.3.Primary uses for thermoelectric devices and company trends
1.3.1.Options compared
1.3.2.Market dynamics
1.3.3.Some other applications of thermoelectrics and the market leaders
1.3.4.Companies supplying thermoelectric thermal management in vehicles
1.3.5.Thermal management of small batteries for vehicles
1.3.6.Kyocera Japan - many automotive applications
1.3.7.Electric vehicles as a potential thermoelectric market
1.3.8.Thermoelectric temperature management of new power devices in vehicles
1.3.9.Medical thermoelectrics
1.4.Activity by region
1.5.Booming TEG research, industrial TEG disillusion but thermal management success
1.6.Patents by company and topic
1.6.1.Applications by country 2002-2021
1.6.2.Top thermoelectric patenting companies and why
1.6.3.Most cited thermoelectric patents and largest invention families and why
1.6.4.TEG patent company analysis
1.6.5.Thermoelectric sensor patent landscape by company
1.7.Thermoelectric materials being researched and wisdom of strategies
1.8.Impact of COVID-19 on thermoelectric sales by company
1.9.Company roadmap and market $ billion 2022-2042
1.9.1.Thermoelectric module and subsystem market number million and value $ billion 2022-2042
1.9.2.Thermoelectric module and subsystem market number million 2022-2042
1.9.3.Thermoelectric module and subsystem market value $ billion 2022-2042
2.1.Companies in thermoelectric cooling and temperature management compared by country and where they are in value chain
3.1.Companies in the thermoelectric energy harvesting and sensors compared by country and where they are in value chain
4.1.3M USA
4.2.Adcol Electronic Co Ltd China
4.3.Advanced Cooling Technologies Inc
4.4.ADV Engineering Russia
4.5.Align Sourcing USA
4.6.Applied Thermoelectric Solutions USA
4.7.Alta Rock Energy USA
4.8.Alteg Systems USA
4.9.Arieca USA
4.10.ARM UK
4.11.Baker Hughes USA
4.12.Ballarini Paolo and Figli Italy
4.13.BASF Germany
4.14.Beijing Huimao China
4.15.Bentek Systems Canada
4.16.Biolite Italy
4.17.Boeing USA
4.18.Caleffi Hydronic Solutions Italy
4.19.CDT UK
4.20.Citizen Watch Japan
4.21.CUI Devices USA
4.22.Cyrq Energy USA
4.23.Denso Japan
4.24.Ecogen Technology Russia
4.25.EIC Solutions USA
4.26.ENEOS Holdings Japan
4.27.EnOcean GmbH Germany
4.28.e-ThermoGentech (e-Thermo) Japan
4.29.European Thermodynamics Ltd UK
4.30.EVERREDtronics Ltd China
4.31.Exergyn Ireland
4.32.Ferrotec Corporation USA
4.33.Fujifilm Japan
4.34.Furukawa Japan
4.35.Gentherm Inc USA
4.36.Global Power Technologies USA
4.37.greenTEG Switzerland
4.38.H2O Degree USA
4.39.Halliburton Energy Services USA
4.40.Hangzhou Aurin Cooling Device Co China
4.41.Interm Ukraine
4.42.ISA Impex India
4.43.Kieback & Peter Germany
4.44.Hi Z Technology, Inc USA
4.45.Honeywell USA
4.46.Hyundai Motor Korea
4.47.JikoPower Inc USA
4.48.KELK Ltd (Komatsu) Japan
4.49.Kieback and Peter Germany
4.50.Kyocera Japan
4.51.Laird Technologies including nExtremeUSA
4.52.LG Chem Korea
4.53.LG Electronics and LG Innotek Korea
4.54.Lintec Japan
4.55.Mahle Thermoelectronik (formerly O-Flexx) Germany
4.56.Maritime Applied Physics Corporation USA
4.57.ll-Vl Marlow Industries USA
4.58.Mc10 USA
4.59.Matrix Industries USA
4.60.Milwaukee Gas Speciality (BASO) USA
4.61.Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Japan
4.62.Murata Japan
4.63.NEC Corporation Japan
4.64.Northrop Grumman USA
4.65.Novus USA
4.66.OTEGO Germany
4.67.Panasonic Japan
4.68.Perpetua Power Source Technologies, Inc. USA
4.69.Photonic Science UK
4.70.PL Engineering Russia
4.71.Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator RTG
4.72.RGS Development BV Netherlands
4.73.RMT Russia
4.74.Robert Bosch Germany
4.75.Romny Scientific USA
4.76.SENS Innovation APS
4.77.Showa Denko, Showa Holdings Japan
4.78.Siemens Germany
4.79.TEC Microsystems Germany
4.80.TECTEG Mfr Canada
4.81.TEGway Korea
4.82.Teledyne Energy Systems USA
4.83.TE Technology Inc
4.84.Tex E.G Japan
4.85.Thermion Company Ukraine
4.86.Thermonamic China
4.87.Toshiba Japan
4.88.Toyota Jidosha Japan
4.89.TTEC LLC Thermoelectric Technologies USA
4.91.Yasanuga Japan


スライド 326
フォーキャスト 2042
ISBN 9781913899592

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