
The wearable sensor market continues to attract innovation. The diversity of form factors and applications of wearables creates an evolving set of opportunities for novel component developers - particularly sensor manufacturers. In this webinar, IDTechEx will explore some emerging technologies that could disrupt the wearables market in the next ten years for human-machine interfacing applications.
Topics covered will include:
  • Introduction to the state of the wearable sensor market in 2024
  • Global meta-trends and their impact on the wearable sensor industry
  • Sensor innovations for HMI:
o Neural interface wristbands for AR
o Wearable brain computer interfaces
o Ear computing and facial gesture recognition
  • Conclusions and Market Outlook
For an overview of the market, see IDTechEx's new report, "Wearable Sensors Market 2025-2035: Technologies, Trends, Players, Forecasts". Based on a decade of market research on wearable technology hardware, this report analyses the technological and commercial landscape of this growing industry, both today and into the future. The Wearable Sensors Market 2025-2035 report provides insight into how wearable sensors could be integrated into society long term, and forecasts the market to reach US$7.2B by 2035. More details and ten-year market forecasts can be found in IDTechEx's comprehensive wearable technology portfolio.
