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Wearable Technology Intelligence Services

Wearable technology mainly concerns electronic devices, apparel and textiles. The wearable technology industry will see three-fold growth from over $24 billion today to over $70 billion in 2025. The dominant sector will be the increasingly merged healthcare/medical and fitness/wellness sectors, which will exceed the advanced infotainment sector in value if not in numbers.

Building on extensive research and publications into all of the most relevant emerging technologies for the wearable market, this report presents a detailed analysis of potentially disruptive materials and components that will dominate the market over the next decade.

IDTechEx also maintain an extremely comprehensive database, profiling over 1200 companies across the entire wearables ecosystem. By constantly updating and growing this resource, it allows IDTechEx analysts to observe trends and identify opportunities for growth in this highly competitive field.

Companies that seek to profit in this sector need to:

  • Be up to date with the large number of emerging technologies, new research and patents relevant to wearable devices
  • Understand the breadth of components that are currently available and their properties
  • Be aware of the competition and opportunities for collaborations in this incredibly competitive industry
  • Recognize the global distribution of markets, retailers and manufacturers
  • Be able to identify when products are being over-hyped
  • Keep up to date with latest developments within the ecosystem, especially regarding device compatibility, new interface options and big data analysis

取り上げるトピック: ウェアラブル・テクノロジー

Enabling materials and manufacturing processes…
  • Wearable sensors (including capacitive, piezoresistive/piezoelectric, photoelectric, temperature, biosensors, etc.)
  • Flexible electronics
  • Thin film batteries
  • Energy harvesting and storage systems
  • E-textiles
…creating these devices…
  • Smartwatches
  • Smart wristbands
  • Smart eyewear
  • Body mounted sensors
  • Fashion items
  • Heated apparel
  • Ingestible sensors
…being exploited by these industries
  • Healthcare
  • Infotainment
  • Commercial and Industrial
  • Military
  • Fashion
  • Advertising
  • Insurance
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