Dr Jean-Jacques Fouchet, VP/Business Development
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If you already have access, please [Login] Access is available via an IDTechEx Market Intelligence Subscription Presentation SummaryThe real disruptive genome of additive manufacturing is in its 3 strands helix: AM process, unseen geometry and new specific material. AM being the new foundries of the 21st century, it is natural to think different in terms of production, shape, material, to produce 21st century functional gradient parts closer to natural design. Speaker Biography (Jean-Jacques Fouchet)Jean-Jacques Fouchet VP Business development / Co-founder at Z3DLAB Co-founder of a French Start Up established near Paris in January 2014 Company Profile (Z3DLAB)THE GENOME OF THE 21ST CENTURY INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION If additive manufacturing is a disruptive technology by its capacity to produce unseen geometrical parts, it is in the creation of new composites where the revolution lies. There is no single material that fits all. Experts and metal composites engineering company. Develops and markets new advanced materials and process technology for the additive metal market to revolutionize the next generation of Medical, Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, Petrochemicals, Luxury... parts. World's premiere for ZTi-Powder and ZTi-Med both from a Fusion of Titanium and ceramic. |