Can Fashion Bridge The Technology Gap? (Wearable Technology Europe 2015)

Mr Matthew Drinkwater, Head of Fashion Innovation Agency
Fashion Innovation Agency
United Kingdom
Apr 28, 2015.


Europe 2015 Presentation - Fashion Innovation Agency*
Europe 2015 Audio Presentation - Fashion Innovation Agency*

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Presentation Summary

Wearables are flooding the market, Apple is courting the fashion press and launching pop-ups in trendy boutiques. What is driving Technology's flirtation with fashion and can the fashion industry bridge the technology gap?

Speaker Biography (Matthew Drinkwater)

Matthew works at the crossroads of Fashion, Retail and Technology to head up LCF's Fashion Innovation Agency. The agency partners the most exciting designer talent in London with the very latest fashion-tech to create ground-breaking brand collaborations and consultancies across the fashion, retail, lifestyle, cultural and digital industries.
Matthew delivered the world's first digital skirt for Nokia, wireless charging clothing for Microsoft and what Forbes described as 'the first example of truly beautiful wearable tech' for Disney and was named in the 100 most influential in the world of Wearable Technology. He is currently working on global concepts in wearables, fashion technology and IoT.

Company Profile (Fashion Innovation Agency)

Fashion Innovation Agency logo
The Fashion Innovation Agency is a not-for-profit creative agency based at The London College of Fashion. Serving as a link between the fashion industry and, predominantly, the technology industry, the Agency is leading collaborative projects that are bringing style and credibility to wearables and fashion-tech.
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