Carbon Nanotubes - Materials, Inks and Devices (Printed Electronics USA 2014)

Dr Patrick Malenfant, Materials Thrust Leader, Printable Electronics
National Research Council Canada
Nov 20, 2014.

Company Profile (National Research Council Canada)

National Research Council Canada logo
The National Research Council (NRC) is the Government of Canada's premier organization for research and technology development. NRC's Printable Electronics (PE) initiative coordinates key industrial areas - materials, ink, printing, ICT and digital manufacturing - as a springboard for a competitive, sustainable and large-scale PE sector in Canada. Working with commercial partners, NRC has established a product development and demonstration capability to give its customers a decisive competitive edge in producing PE products for world markets. NRC seeks new partnerships for collaboration on product-driven applied research. NRC's current PE research priorities encompass Functional Materials, Functional Devices and Functional Imprinting.
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