Direct integration Lithium Micro Batteries for Highly Miniaturized Electronic Systems (Energy Harvesting and Storage Europe 2014)

Dr Robert Hahn, Head of Micro Energy Systems Group
Fraunhofer IZM
Apr 01, 2014.


Berlin 2014 Presentation - Fraunhofer IZM*
Berlin 2014 Audio Presentation - Fraunhofer IZM*

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Presentation Summary

Highly miniaturized energy autarkic sensors require an energy storage which is small and can be integrated into the system. Lithium ion batteries are a favourite option since they show a superior energy density and pulse performance while self-discharge is very low. In particular they are used as buffer storage in energy harvesting devices. Starting with a description of the state of the art of secondary micro batteries an overview is given of the research directions towards integrated lithium micro batteries classified by the construction principles. The research on lithium micro batteries with coplanar electrode structure performed at Fraunhofer IZM is described in the main section of the presentation. Capacity, discharge curves and rate retention as function of current is shown and compared with the micro battery state of the art.

Speaker Biography (Robert Hahn)

Robert Hahn received the Ph.D degree in electrical engineering in 1990.
Since 1995 he is with the Fraunhofer-Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (Fraunhofer-IZM) were he is head of the portable power supply group. He has taken over the coordination of several national and European research projects for the development of new micro-batteries, micro-fuel cells and integrated power supplies for micro systems and portable electronics. Dr. Hahn has authored and co-authored numerous papers in the fields of microelectronics packaging and micro energy systems as well as 18 patents in the area of micro energy systems. He received the f-cell award for the Fraunhofer micro fuel cell development in 2005.

Company Profile (Fraunhofer IZM)

Fraunhofer IZM logo
Fraunhofer IZM is one of the leading institutes in the fields of system integration technologies, reliability, wafer level integration and heterogeneous integration technology.
System integration and the packaging of electronic products are developed for suppliers and users from the consumer electronics, telecommunications, mechanical engineering and automotive and medical sectors. Our main objective is to support firms in the broad application of microelectronic and micro system technologies. Fraunhofer IZM represents an efficient research, development and service potential, in most of the electronic packaging sectors. Since 1999 the institute engages in micro energy technologies like integrated micro batteries, micro fuel cells and energy harvesting.
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