High Performance Nano Silver Conductor Development Through Open Innovation (Printed Electronics Europe 2015)

Dr Kerry Adams, Marketing Manager
DuPont (UK) Ltd
United Kingdom
Apr 29, 2015.


Europe 2015 Presentation - DuPont (UK) Ltd*
Europe 2015 Audio Presentation - DuPont (UK) Ltd*

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Presentation Summary

The drive towards large area, fast and inexpensive processes for high volume Printed Electronics applications requires a step change in raw material performance. DuPont MCM has developed advanced nano-Ag conductors for screen and inkjet printing offering optimized conductivity (4x bulk Ag), line resolution (50 um) and adhesion on flexible substrates.

Speaker Biography (Kerry Adams)

Dr Kerry Adams has a degree in Chemistry and PhD in Organometallic chemistry from Bristol University, Post Doctoral work in Edinburgh University. He joined Coates Electrographics and spent 3 years in product development before joining DuPont Microcircuit Materials in Bristol as and R&D scientist developing polymeric inks for flexible substrates. He spent four years in this post before moving to DuPont Deutschland for a technical sales role with responsibility for Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Then returned to DuPont MCM in Bristol to continue in technical sales for UK and Ireland and a new position leading the New Business Development team.

Company Profile (DuPont Microcircuit Materials)

DuPont Microcircuit Materials logo
DuPont Microcircuit Materials has 50 years of experience in the development, manufacture and sale of specialized inks for a wide variety of printed electronic applications in the display, photovoltaic, automotive, biomedical, telecommunication and consumer products markets.
DuPont Microcircuit Materials will be exhibiting new nano-Ag ink-jet and screen printable inks suitable for demanding applications such as OLED lighting, touch screens, PV and conformal antennae, as well as the latest stretchable/formable ink developments designed for use in wearable and in-mold electronics applications.
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