Dr Mark Stewart, Senior Research Scientist
National Physical Laboratory
United Kingdom
May 15, 2012.
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Speaker Biography (Mark Stewart)Dr Mark Stewart is a Senior Research Scientist in the Functional Materials Group at NPL. His area of expertise covers the characterization of functional materials in particular piezoelectric materials. Current areas of interest include methods to assess the efficiency of piezoelectric energy harvesters, and using laser heating as a probe for piezoelectric activity. Company Profile (NPL)NPL is the UK's National Measurement Institute, and is a world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology available. For more than a century NPL has developed and maintained the UK's primary measurement standards. These standards underpin the National Measurement System infrastructure of traceability throughout the UK and the world that ensures accuracy and consistency of measurement. NPL ensures that cutting edge measurement science and technology have a positive impact in the real world. NPL delivers world-leading measurement solutions that are critical to commercial research and development, and support business success across the UK and the globe. |