Internet of Packages (Printed Electronics Europe 2015)

Dr Juha Maijala, Manager, Intelligent Solutions
Stora Enso Oyj/ Renewable Packaging
Apr 28, 2015.


Europe 2015 Presentation - Stora Enso Oyj/ Renewable Packaging*
Europe 2015 Audio Presentation - Stora Enso Oyj/ Renewable Packaging*

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Presentation Summary

Internet of things is a buzz word in the consultancy world but with RFID and items that might be even more realistic than the history of RFID has shown us. What kind of features are available and can be incorporated into items and packages and what will the future look like.

Speaker Biography (Juha Maijala)

Juha Maijala has been working more than 15 years on RFID, digital connectivity and opportunities in connecting fast moving consumer goods. For the last 3 years he has been heading an internal start-up within Stora Enso Oyj, called Intelligent Packaging. This has now been turned independent unit, with clear growth and expansion activities and plans. Currently he is deputy head of Stora Enso Intelligent Packaging with special emphasis on strategy and partners.

Company Profile (Stora Enso)

Stora Enso logo
The renewable materials company, Stora Enso develops and produces solutions based on wood and biomass for a range of industries and applications worldwide. Building on our heritage and know-how in forestry and trees, Stora Enso is committed to the development of products and technologies based on renewable materials and creating value in a sustainable bioeconomy. Our products, in many cases, provide a low-carbon alternative to many products made from fossil-based or other non-renewable materials. Stora Enso has some 26 000 employees in more than 30 countries, and is publicly listed on the Helsinki and Stockholm stock exchanges. Our sales in 2018 were EUR 10.5 billion, with an operational EBIT of EUR 1.3 billion.
Stora Enso Intelligent Packaging is a service provider of intelligent packaging products and solutions. Make your products, packaging and supply chain more intelligent with RFID, UHF and NFC tag technology, and make your business more efficient. Our solutions currently fit for unmanned store solutions with our New Retail solutions with Intelligent cabinets and to industrial segment with our supply chain solution.
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