Actionable Insights for Wearables (Healthcare Sensor Innovations USA 2020)

Mr Andrew Baker, Managing Director, Business Management
Maxim Integrated
United States

Presentation Summary

Using sensor fusion for health sensing is the key to improve accuracy of health metrics in wearables. With today's wearables, we are used to measuring and reporting single measurements for specific use cases such as heart rate, ECG, sleep, stress and so on. However, as more sensing modalities are included in wearables, it presents wearable device developers to take advantages of the multiple measurements to improve the accuracy of the actionable insights that are being provided to users. In this presentation, there will be a discussion on how the accuracy of different insights into health-related use cases can be combined to build a more complete body health map in the future.

Speaker Biography (Andrew Baker)

Andrew Baker joined Maxim Integrated in 2009. He has more than 20 years of experience in the electronics industry in roles ranging from development engineering to sales as well as business/product management. In his current role, he is responsible for leading Maxim's wearable solutions initiatives for sensors and power management, as well as multiple other product lines. Andrew holds a Bachelor's degree with honors in electronic engineering from the University of Portsmouth, UK.

Company Profile (Maxim Integrated)

Maxim develops innovative analog ICs for the automotive, industrial, healthcare, mobile consumer, and cloud data center markets. We make technology smaller, smarter, more secure and energy efficient, so that our customers can meet the demands of an integrated world. Learn more at
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