Pilot Production of Nanosilver Powder and R2R Inkjet Printing of RFID Antenna with the Nanosilver Based Conductive Ink (Printed Electronics Europe 2015)

Prof Xingye Zhang, Associate Professor
Institute of Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Apr 29, 2015.


Europe 2015 Presentation - Institute of Chemistry*
Europe 2015 Audio Presentation - Institute of Chemistry*

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Presentation Summary

In our group, nanoscale silver powders with controllable size were produced in large scale, a variety of conductive inks, especially high concentration and eco-solvent conductive inks, were developed for different printing technique. R2R Inkjet printed conductive circuits and R2R sintering in the application of RFID antenna were also deeply studied.

Speaker Biography (Xingye Zhang)

I received my bachelor degree at QiLu University of Technology in 2004 and doctor degree at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009, and then I started working at ICCAS as associate professor. Email: zhangxy@iccas.ac.cn
Research interests:
Nanosized electronic materials; Conductive inks;
Printed electronics applications of RFID antenna, electric circuit, flexible and transparent devices.

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