Present and Future Supercapacitors: Technology and Applications (Supercapacitors USA 2014)

Dr Andrew Burke, Research Engineer, Inst. of Transportation Studies
UC Davis
United States
Nov 19, 2014.


Santa Clara 2014 Presentation - UC Davis*
Santa Clara 2014 Audio Presentation - UC Davis*
Santa Clara 2014 Video Presentation - UC Davis*

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Presentation Summary

• Test data for advanced proto-type cells
• Projections of the performance and cost of hybrid cell designs
• In-vehicle testing of carbon/carbon modules

Speaker Biography (Andrew F. Burke)

Dr. Burke holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Applied Mathematics from Carnegie Institute of Technology, a M.A. degree in Aerospace Engineering and a Ph.D. in Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences from Princeton University.
Since 1974, his career work has involved many aspects of electric and hybrid vehicle design, analysis, and testing. Dr. Burke joined the Research Faculty of the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis in July 1994. He has performed research on and taught graduate courses on advanced electric driveline technologies specializing on batteries, ultracapacitors, fuel cells, and hybrid vehicle design, control and simulation. Dr. Burke has authored over 120 reports and papers on electric and hybrid vehicles, batteries, and ultracapacitors.

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