Pulp Fiction: The Use of Printed Electronics in Consumer Paper Products (Printed Electronics USA 2014)

Mr Wes Lindquist, Design Engineering Manager
Hallmark Cards
United States
Nov 19, 2014.


Santa Clara 2014 Presentation - Hallmark Cards*

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Speaker Biography (Wes Lindquist)

Wes Lindquist has been in product development over 20 years. From an early age, Wes knew he had a love of computers and electronics and received a computer engineering degree from Kansas State University. His early career was as system architect and eventually he moved into product development. Currently, Wes leads a group of engineers and industrial designers to turn consumer insights into engaging products through the marriage of creative design, heartfelt editorial, and electro-mechanical design. Wes holds three patents and is on the advisory council of Science Pioneers, a community outreach program that promotes STEM within Kansas City area schools.

Company Profile (Hallmark Cards)

Hallmark Cards logo
Hallmark was founded more than a century ago by a teenage entrepreneur with a couple of shoeboxes of postcards under his arm and the American dream in his heart. Today's Hallmark is a $4 billion business with greeting cards and other products. Innovative new products like Recordable Storybooks and Interactive Story Buddy™ characters create shared connections to treasure between grandparents, parents and children.
Hallmark products can also be found in more than 40,000 retail outlets domestically and online at Hallmark.com. The company publishes in 30 languages, and its products are available in more than 100 countries around the globe.
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