RFID Standards in Action (RFID Smart Labels USA 2008)

Mr Henri Barthel, Director Global Partnerships and Projects
GS1, Belgium
Feb 21, 2008.


GS1 presentation*

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Presentation Summary

  • EPCglobal network concept: the physical objects standards, the infrastructure standards and the data exchange standards
  • Overview of BRIDGE, a EU funded project doing research and pilot implementations in six different sectors
  • Lessons learned so far from BRIDGE activities

Speaker Biography (Henri Barthel)

Henri Barthel is Director Global Partnerships and Projects at the GS1 Global Office in Brussels. He has been working for GS1 (formerly EAN International) since July 1988 where he was responsible for the automatic identification and electronic data interchange standards. His current responsibilities include the global monitoring of regulations for Radio Frequency Identification and the Partnerships with external standard bodies, particularly ISO. He is a member of the EPCglobal Architecture Review Committee. He is also chairman of SC31/WG4, the ISO working group dealing with RFID standardisation for item management. In 2006, Henri Barthel was appointed Coordinator of BRIDGE, a three years European Union funded Integrated Project dedicated to research, development, training and demonstration in the effective use of RFID based on EPCglobal standards.

Company Profile (GS1 UK)

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GS1 UK has driven innovation in the supply chain for over thirty years. It is part of the global GS1 organisation, dedicated to the development and implementation of global data standards and solutions for the supply chain. The GS1 System is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world. GS1 UK helps industry to implement these data standards through the use of bar codes, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Global Data Synchronisation (GDS) and electronic business messaging.
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