Solar: Pulling the Plug on Next-Gen Wearables (Wearable Technology Europe 2015)

Mr Robert Parenti, Technical Marketing Engineer
Alta Devices
United States
Apr 29, 2015.


Europe 2015 Presentation - Alta Devices*
Europe 2015 Audio Presentation - Alta Devices*

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Presentation Summary

Cut the cord for good with a product that you never plug-in. Applying Alta Devices high efficiency Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) solar technology to power the next generation of wearables. Learn how GaAs and thin film solar can (em)Power the unplugged World.

Speaker Biography (Robert Parenti)

Rob joined the product marketing and engineering team at Alta Devices in January 2015. His primary role is integrating Alta's solar technology into their customer's final products. Prior to joining Alta Devices, Rob served in the U.S. Air Force as an engineer primarily analyzing the feasibility of various next gen defense systems.
Rob holds a M.S. in Materials Engineering from the University of Dayton and B.S. in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering from Purdue University.

Company Profile (Alta Devices Inc)

Alta Devices Inc logo
Alta Devices is empowering autonomy by delivering the world's most efficient, thin and flexible mobile power technology. By converting light of any kind into electricity, Alta Devices AnyLightâ„¢ power technology extends the energy source of a system, and in many cases, completely cuts the traditional power cord. The solution can be completely integrated into the final system, and is ideal for use in unmanned systems, satellites, consumer electronics, sensors, automotive, remote exploration, or anywhere size, weight, and mobility matter. Alta Devices holds world records for energy conversion efficiency and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA. For more information, visit Alta Devices is a Hanergy company.
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