IDTechEx Predicts the Drone Market Size to Be Over $22bn by 2041
Nov 20, 2020
Annick Garrington
IDTechEx have released a brand new report - "Drone Market and Industries 2021-2041" - a comprehensive research report exploring technologies, players, markets, and forecasts of drone technologies and drone industries.
IDTechEx predicts the drone market size to be over $22Bn by 2041
The new drones market research report from IDTechEx provides a comprehensive analysis of the drone market, considering components, technologies, and application roadmaps. This report delivers short-, medium-, and long-term views of the entire drone industry. It contains forecasts up to 2041 on key business areas and market segments. The key topics covered in the report are as follows:
Business trends in the drone industry:
This drones market research report compiles information from over 120 hardware and software companies to identify the key trends in the drone industry. The major players of the drone industry are compared within the areas of drone industry such as software, hardware, and analytics. This provides you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, and understanding of this disruptive and fast growing market area.
Drone technology/components:
This report covers the major players in the drone hardware market, identifying their benefits and drawbacks to provide you with insight and understanding into this vast market area. Drone technology typically falls within two groups: fixed wing and rotary craft. Both are considered in this report, along with their benefits and limitations for different use cases and applications.
Drone software, and associated analytics:
Software and analytics are key to drones. In this market research report, the following software types are considered: flight control, mission planning & management, and data analytics. The role of each type of software, historic investment and funding trends, along with forecasts, are analysed and presented to give you the insight into this key area of drone adoption and use cases. For example, for flight control we examine how the capability is evolving from basic remote-control towards full autonomous flight via see-avoid/track etc.
Sensors in drones:
This report covers a range of sensors which are critical to drone operation. In this report the following sensors are considered: IMUs, GPS, camera, infrared, ultrasound, radar and LIDAR sensors. Furthermore, the report contains detailed market analysis of the major players in these markets, compared and analysed.
This drones market research report provides an overview of the regulation of drones in key territories before offering insights into how the regulations might and should be evolved. Regulations currently impose many constraints on drones, shaping their potential market in various applications. Furthermore, technology capability is currently pushing ahead of regulation, therefore legislators worldwide have difficult calls to make to ensure the right balance between commercial interest, public safety, and personal privacy.
Drone use cases:
There are many different commercial use cases for drones in the drone market. In this market research report, the following use cases for drones are compared and analysed:
- Search and Rescue
- Agriculture
- Delivery
- Security
- Mapping and Localisation
Key questions:
Key questions answered in this new drones market research report from IDTechEx include:
- What are the main use cases for drones in 2030, 2040?
- Who are the major players in the drone market?
- What are the key drivers for market growth?
- What is the projected revenue for the drones market from 2020 onwards?
- What is the drone market segmentation?
- What is the drone segmentation between consumer and commercial drones?
Click here to download sample slides from this report.
To find out more about the IDTechEx report "Drone Market and Industries 2021-2041", please visit or contact us at
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