Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles 2025-2035: Technologies, Materials, Markets, and Forecasts

Global markets for electric vehicle motors. Motor technology, materials, rare-earth reduction, axial flux, in-wheel, thermal management, benchmarking, and suppliers. Granular regional forecasts. Cars, micro-EVs, buses, vans, and trucks.

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Electric motors truly are the driving force behind electric vehicles (EVs). In addition to the batteries and power electronics, the electric motor is a critical component within the drivetrain. Despite electric traction motors originally being developed in the 1800s, the market is still evolving today with new designs, improving power and torque density and more considerations around the materials used. These aren't just incremental improvements either, with developments such as axial flux motors and various OEMs eliminating rare-earths altogether.
The latest report from IDTechEx on Electric Vehicle Motors 2025-2035 details OEM strategies, trends, and emerging technologies within the motor market for EVs. An extensive model database of over 500 EV model variants sold between 2015-2023 in several geographic regions aids in a granular market analysis of motor type, performance, thermal management, and market shares. Technologies and strategies of major OEMs are considered for cars, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, microcars, light commercial vehicles (vans), trucks, and buses along with several use-cases and benchmarking of several motor units. Emerging technologies are also addressed with market forecasts through to 2035 such as axial flux and in-wheel motors. Motor requirements and use cases are detailed for eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing) and eCTOL (electric conventional take-off and landing) aircraft as a much earlier stage market, with demanding performance characteristics.
IDTechEx analyses key parameters of motors in BEVs and emerging alternatives. Source: Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles 2025-2035
Materials and Rare-earths
A key consideration for the EV motor market is that of magnetic materials. From 2015-2023 the share of permanent magnet (PM) motors in the electric car market remained consistently above 75%. Rare-earth magnets continue to be a concern in 2024 due to their supply chain being constrained to China and the historic price volatility. To avoid these concerns, several European OEMs have opted for magnet free designs including Renault and BMWs adoption of wound rotor motors and Audi's use of induction motors. In 2023, Tesla announced its next generation motor would be a PM machine without rare-earths, further bringing the focus to alternative magnetic materials such as ferrite magnets and the challenges they pose to mass adoption. Magnet prices settled in 2023 after a peak in 2021/2022 pushing rare earth free designs somewhat away from the fore, but the continued volatility and the wish to secure supply chains keep them as a focus point.
In this report, IDTechEx provides an analysis of magnet free motor designs, routes to rare-earth reduction, and options for alternative magnetic materials. IDTechEx predicts that PM motors will remain the dominant form of motor (especially with China's dominance in the EV market), but there will be further reductions in rare-earths per motor and alternative magnetic materials making greater progress in the market.
The vast majority of the car market is using permanent magnet motors. Source: Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles 2025-2035
Axial Flux and In-wheel Motors as Emerging Options
In addition to the traditional on-board radial flux motors in EVs, there are two emerging alternatives that have gained a lot of interest but are at early stages of market adoption, namely axial flux and in-wheel motors.
In axial flux motors the magnetic flux is parallel to the axis of rotation (compared to perpendicular in radial flux machines). The benefits of axial flux motors include increased power and torque density and a pancake form factor ideal for integration in various scenarios. Despite the previous lack of adoption, the technology has evolved to market integration. Daimler acquired key players YASA to use its motors in the upcoming AMG electric platform and Renault has partnered with WHYLOT to use axial flux motors in its hybrids starting in 2025.
In-wheel motors made it into some on-road vehicles such as a limited quantity of Lordstown trucks. However, most automotive projects stated to use in-wheel motors so far have run into financial troubles. However key progress was made by Protean where Dongfeng demonstrated the first homologated passenger car with ProteanDrive (in-wheel motor platform) in 2023, and is following this with fleet testing.
IDTechEx expects a large increase in demand for axial flux and in-wheel motors for certain vehicle categories, but does not predict they will displace the traditional on-board radial flux machines in the near future. This report carries out performance and market analysis of emerging motor technologies with players, adoption, and 10 year market forecasts.
Key Aspects
Analysis of the electric motor markets in BEVs, PHEVs and HEVs across cars, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, microcars, light commercial vehicles (vans), trucks, buses, eVTOL, and eCTOL including:
  • Benchmarking different motor types/topologies
  • OEM strategies
  • EV industry trends and the impact on electric motors
  • Trends in motor design
  • Emerging motor technologies and benchmarking: axial flux, in-wheel, and switched reluctance
  • Materials utilization: magnets (including rare earths) and windings (round or hairpin)
  • Thermal management of electric motors
  • EV use-cases and benchmarking
  • Supply relationships between OEMs and tier 1s
  • Company profiles including interviews
10 Year Market Forecasts & Analysis:
  • Automotive electric motor forecast 2015-2035 (regional): China, Europe, US and rest of world (units, kW)
  • Automotive electric motor forecast 2015-2035 (drivetrain): BEV, PHEV and HEV (units, kW)
  • Automotive electric motor forecast 2015-2035 (motor type): alternating current induction motor (ACIM), permanent magnet (PM), wound rotor synchronous motor (WRSM), permanent magnet rare earth free, other rare earth free, axial flux (units)
  • Automotive electric motor value forecast (drivetrain): BEV, PHEV and HEV (US$)
  • Micro-EV motor forecast: two-wheelers (<4 kW and >4 kW), three-wheelers (<4 kW and >4 kW), microcars (units, kW, and US$)
  • Electric light commercial vehicle (van) motor forecast: BEV & PHEV (units, kW, and US$)
  • Electric truck motor forecast: medium- and heavy-duty BEV & PHEV (units, kW, and US$)
  • Electric bus motor forecast: BEV & PHEV (units, kW, and US$)
  • Automotive HEV motor forecast: China, Europe, US, Japan, South Korea and rest of world (units, kW)
  • Automotive axial flux motor forecast (units)
  • In-wheel motors forecast (units)
  • Materials for motor magnets forecast split into elements (tonnes)
  • Forecast for aluminum, copper, and steel (tonnes)
Report MetricsDetails
Historic Data2015 - 2023
CAGRThe global market for electric motors grows at a CAGR of 7.3% between 2023 and 2035 with much larger growth in BEV cars.
Forecast Period2024 - 2035
Forecast Unitsunits, kW, US$
Regions CoveredWorldwide, Europe, United States, China
Segments CoveredCars, light commercial vehicles (vans), trucks, buses, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, microcars
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1.1.Summary of Traction Motor Types
1.2.Average Motor Power 2023 by Vehicle Category (kW)
1.3.Convergence on PM Motors by Major Automakers
1.4.Motor Type Market Share Forecast
1.5.Commentary on Electric Traction Motor Trends in Cars
1.6.Automotive Electric Motor Forecast 2015-2035 (units, regional)
1.7.Automotive Electric Motor Forecast 2015-2035 (units, drivetrain)
1.8.Automotive Electric Motor Forecast 2015-2035 (units, motor type)
1.9.OEM & Tier 1 Approaches to Eliminate Rare Earths
1.10.Materials in Electric Motors Forecast 2021-2035 (kg)
1.11.The Many Types of Square Winding
1.12.Hairpin Winding Regional Market Shares
1.13.Micro EV Types
1.14.Micro EV Characteristics
1.15.Average Motor Power of Microcars
1.16.Micro-EV Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, vehicle type)
1.17.Motors Used in eLCVs
1.18.LCV Electric Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, drivetrain)
1.19.Medium Duty Truck Models Motor Power
1.20.Heavy Duty Truck Models Motor Power
1.21.Truck Electric Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, drivetrain & category)
1.22.Bus Categories and Electrification
1.23.Motor Mounting - Central or Axle Mounted
1.24.Traction Motors of Choice for Electric Buses
1.25.Bus Electric Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, drivetrain)
1.26.eVTOL Motor Sizing
1.27.Overview of Plane Types Energy and Power Requirements
1.28.Player Benchmark of Axial Flux Motors Power and Torque Density
1.29.Automotive Axial Flux Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units)
1.30.In-wheel Motors Production Forecast 2021-2035 (units)
1.31.Motor Type Power Density Benchmark
1.32.OEM and Tier 1 Supply Relationships (1)
1.33.OEM and Tier 1 Supply Relationships (2)
1.34.Commercial Vehicle OEM and Tier 1 Supply Relationships (1)
1.35.Commercial Vehicle OEM and Tier 1 Supply Relationships (2)
1.36.BEV Power Density Benchmarking
1.37.Commercial Vehicle Motors Power Density Benchmarking
1.38.Light Duty Vehicle Motors Power Density Benchmarking
1.39.eAxle for Commercial Vehicle Benchmarking
1.40.Total Motor Market Size Forecast by Vehicle and Drivetrain 2021-2035 (US$ billions)
1.41.Access More with an IDTechEx Subscription
2.1.Electric Vehicles: Basic Principle
2.2.Electric Vehicle Definitions
2.3.Drivetrain Specifications
2.4.Parallel and Series Hybrids: Explained
2.5.Electric Motors
3.1.1.Electric Traction Motor Types
3.1.2.Summary of Traction Motor Types
3.1.3.Benchmarking Electric Traction Motors
3.1.4.Peak vs Continuous Properties
3.1.6.Brushless DC Motors (BLDC): Working Principle
3.1.7.BLDC Motors: Advantages, Disadvantages
3.1.8.BLDC Motors: Benchmarking Scores
3.1.9.Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM): Working Principle
3.1.10.PMSM: Advantages, Disadvantages
3.1.11.PMSM: Benchmarking Scores
3.1.12.Differences Between PMSM and BLDC
3.1.13.Wound Rotor Synchronous Motor (WRSM): Working Principle
3.1.14.Renault's Magnet Free Motor
3.1.15.Rotor Power Transfer: Brushes vs Wireless
3.1.16.WRSM Motors: Benchmarking Scores
3.1.17.WRSM: Advantages, Disadvantages
3.1.18.AC Induction Motors (ACIM): Working Principle
3.1.19.AC Induction Motor (ACIM)
3.1.20.AC Induction Motors: Benchmarking Scores
3.1.21.AC Induction Motor: Advantages, Disadvantages
3.1.22.Reluctance Motors
3.1.23.Reluctance Motor: Working Principle
3.1.24.Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM)
3.1.25.Switched Reluctance Motors: Benchmarking Scores
3.1.26.Permanent Magnet Assisted Reluctance (PMAR)
3.1.27.PMAR Motors: Benchmarking Scores
3.1.28.Contributions from Reluctance and Interaction Torque
3.2.Electric Traction Motors: Summary and Benchmarking Results
3.2.1.Comparison of Traction Motor Construction and Merits
3.2.2.Motor Efficiency Comparison
3.2.3.Benchmarking Electric Traction Motors
3.2.4.Multiple Motors: Explained
4.1.BEV and PHEV Motor Type Market Share by Region 2015-2023
4.2.Convergence on PM Motors by Major Automakers
4.3.Motor Type Market Share Forecast
4.4.Commentary on Electric Traction Motor Trends in Cars
4.5.Automotive Electric Motor Forecast 2015-2035 (units, regional)
4.6.Automotive Electric Motor Forecast 2015-2035 (units, drivetrain)
4.7.Automotive Electric Motor Forecast 2015-2035 (units, motor type)
4.8.Automotive Electric Motor Power Forecast 2015-2035 (kW, regional)
4.9.Automotive Electric Motor Power Forecast 2015-2035 (kW, drivetrain)
4.10.Automotive Electric Motor Value Forecast 2021-2035 (US$, drivetrain)
5.2.Micro EV Types
5.3.Micro EV Characteristics
5.4.Comparison of Micro EV Segments
5.5.Asia Home to Major Electric Two-wheeler Markets
5.6.Electric Two-wheeler Classification
5.7.Electric Two-wheelers: Power Classes
5.8.Indian Electric Two-wheeler OEMs
5.9.E-motorcycle Benchmarking
5.10.Motor Technologies in Two-wheelers
5.11.The Role of Three-wheelers
5.12.Electric Three-wheeler Classification
5.13.China and India: Major Three-wheeler Markets
5.14.Examples of E3W Models in India
5.15.Examples of E3W Models in China
5.16.Three Wheelers Outside China and India
5.17.Microcars: The Goldilocks of Urban EVs
5.18.Examples of Microcars by Region
5.19.Average Motor Power of Microcars
5.20.Micromobility Motor Manufacturers
5.21.Micro-EV Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, vehicle type)
5.22.Micromobility Research
6.1.Introduction to Electric LCVs
6.2.LCV Definition
6.3.Electric LCVs: Drivers and Barriers
6.4.Specifications of Popular Electric LCVs in Europe
6.5.Specifications of Popular Electric LCVs in China
6.6.Motors Used in eLCVs
6.7.Motor Number, Type and Power Trends: LCV
6.8.eLCV Average Motor Performance and Type
6.9.LCV Electric Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, drivetrain)
6.10.Light Commercial Vehicle Research
7.1.Trucks are Capital Goods
7.2.Zero Emission Trucks: Drivers and Barriers
7.3.Regional Model Availability 2021-2024
7.4.BEV and FCEV M&HD Trucks: Weight vs Motor Power
7.5.Medium Duty Truck Models Motor Power
7.6.Heavy Duty Truck Models Motor Power
7.7.Truck Motor Type Market Share and Power Output Requirements
7.8.Integrated e-Axle Space Advantage
7.9.Allison Transmission eGen Power e-Axles
7.11.Dana E-Axles
7.12.Dana TM4
7.13.Danfoss Editron
7.14.Detroit eAxles
7.15.FPT Truck Motors
7.16.Accelera eAxles
7.17.Meritor 14Xe Electric Drivetrain
7.18.Volvo Driveline
7.20.Truck Electric Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, drivetrain & category)
7.21.Electric Truck Research
8.1.Bus Categories and Electrification
8.2.Overview of Bus Types and Specific Challenges to Electrification
8.3.Options for Reduced Emissions Buses
8.4.Electric Buses - a Global Outlook
8.5.Motor Mounting - Central or Axle Mounted
8.6.Electric Bus Motor Types
8.7.Motor Benchmarking and Metrics for Buses
8.8.Traction Motors of Choice for Electric Buses
8.9.Motor Suppliers - Overview
8.10.Convergence on PM
8.11.Motor OEM Supply Relationships
8.12.Dana TM4
8.13.Equipmake - Motors for Retrofitting
8.14.Siemens/Cummins ACCELERA
8.15.Traktionssysteme Austria (TSA)
8.17.Voith - Central Motors Only
8.18.ZF Group - AxTrax and CeTrax
8.19.ZF Group - New AxTrax and CeTrax Shift to PM Motors
8.20.Volvo Electric Buses
8.21.Bus Electric Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, drivetrain)
9.1.HEV Car Manufacturers
9.2.Hybrid Synergy Drive/ Toyota Hybrid System
9.3.Hybrid Synergy Drive/ Toyota Hybrid System
9.5.Honda's 2 Motor Hybrid System
9.6.Nissan Note e-POWER
9.7.Hyundai Sonata Hybrid
9.8.Toyota Prius Drive Motor: 2004-2010
9.9.Toyota Prius Drive Motor: 2004-2017
9.10.Comparison of Hybrid MGs
9.11.Global HEV Car Motor/Generator Trends
9.12.HEV Car MGs Trends and Assumptions
9.13.Global HEV Car MG Demand Forecast 2015-2035 (units, kW)
9.14.High Voltage Hybrid Electric Vehicle Research
10.1.eVTOL Motor Requirements
10.1.1.eVTOL Motor / Powertrain Requirements
10.1.2.eVTOL Aircraft Motor Power Sizing
10.1.3.eVTOL Power Requirement: kW Estimate
10.1.4.eVTOL Power Requirement
10.1.5.eVTOL Power Requirement: kW Estimate
10.1.6.Electric Motors and Distributed Electric Propulsion
10.1.7.eVTOL Number of Electric Motors
10.1.8.Motor Sizing
10.2.eCTOL Motor Requirements
10.2.1.eCTOL Motor / Powertrain Requirements
10.2.2.Overview of Plane Types Energy and Power Requirements
10.2.3.Typical Airplane Engines
10.2.4.Airplane Engines Power and Weight
10.2.5.Turbofan Power Estimations
10.2.6.Electric Motors and Distributed Electric Propulsion
10.2.7.Challenges in Building a 100MW Electric Propulsion Unit
10.3.Electric Motors for Aviation: Players
10.3.2.Collins - Aerospace Suppliers Working on Motor Products
10.3.3.Duxion is Reinventing the Motor to Replace Turbofans
10.3.10.MGM COMPRO
10.3.11.Nidec Aerospace
10.3.12.Rolls-Royce / Siemens
10.3.13.Rolls-Royce / Siemens
10.3.15.Wright Electric's High Power-to-Weight Motor
10.3.16.Other Player Examples
10.3.17.Power Density Comparison: Motors for Aviation
10.3.18.Torque Density Comparison: Motors for Aviation
10.3.19.eCTOL and eVTOL Research
11.1.Axial Flux Motors
11.1.1.Radial Flux Motors
11.1.2.Axial Flux Motors
11.1.3.Radial Flux vs Axial Flux Motors
11.1.4.Yoked vs Yokeless Axial Flux
11.1.5.Challenges with Axial Flux Thermal Management
11.1.6.List of Axial Flux Motor Players
11.1.7.Beyond Motors
11.1.8.AVID Acquired by Turntide
11.1.10.Elemental Motors
11.1.11.Infinitum Electric: Printed PCB Stator
11.1.13.Koenigsegg - raxial flux
11.1.15.Magelec Propulsion
11.1.17.Tresa Motors
11.1.19.WHYLOT and Renault
11.1.20.YASA Axial Flux Motors
11.1.21.YASA and Koenigsegg
11.1.22.YASA and Ferrari
11.1.23.Lamborghini 634 - V8 with Axial Flux
11.1.24.Daimler Acquires YASA
11.1.25.Mercedes Vision One Eleven Concept
11.1.26.Commercial Axial Flux Motors Power and Torque Density Benchmark
11.1.27.Player Benchmark of Axial Flux Motors Power and Torque Density
11.1.28.Automotive Axial Flux Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units)
11.2.In-wheel Motors
11.2.1.In-wheel Motors
11.2.2.Risks and Opportunities for In-wheel Motors
11.2.6.Gem Motors
11.2.8.Hyundai Mobis
11.2.10.Protean Electric
11.2.11.REE Automotive
11.2.13.Examples of Vehicles with In-wheel Motors
11.2.14.Axial Flux for In-wheel Motors
11.2.15.In-wheel Motors Production Forecast 2021-2035 (units)
11.3.Axial Flux and In-wheel Motors Benchmarking Against BEV Motors
11.3.1.Motor Type Power Density Benchmark
11.3.2.Motor Type Torque Density Benchmark
11.3.3.Average and Range of Power and Torque Density by Motor Type
11.4.Overcoming Issues with Switched Reluctance Motors
11.4.1.Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM)
11.4.2.No Permanent Magnets for SRMs
11.4.3.Advanced Electric Machines (AEM): Commercial Vehicles
11.4.4.AEM and Bentley
11.4.6.RETORQ Motors
11.4.7.Punch Powertrain
11.4.8.Turntide Technologies
11.4.9.Switched Reluctance Players for EVs
12.1.1.Which Materials are Required for Electric Motors?
12.2.Materials for Permanent Magnets
12.2.1.Magnetic Material Distribution in Rotors
12.2.2.ID4 vs Leaf vs Model 3 Rotors
12.2.3.Magnet Composition for Motors
12.2.4.Mining of Rare-Earth Metals
12.2.5.China's Control of Rare-Earths
12.2.6.Volatility of EV Motor Materials
12.2.7.The Market Drive to Eliminate Rare Earths
12.3.Rare Earth Reduction and Elimination
12.3.1.Europe's Move to Magnet Free Designs
12.3.2.Key Magnetic Properties and Challenges with Rare Earth Free Magnets
12.3.3.Tesla's Next Generation Motor
12.3.4.How Tesla Could Eliminate Rare-earths (1)
12.3.5.How Tesla Could Eliminate Rare-earths (2)
12.3.6.How Tesla Could Eliminate Rare-earths (3)
12.3.7.Rare Earth Reduction Progress in Japan
12.3.8.Alternative Magnetic Materials
12.3.9.Alternative Magnetic Materials
12.3.10.Toyota's Neodymium Reduced Magnet
12.3.11.Niron Magnetics
12.3.12.Niron Funding and Partnerships
12.3.13.PASSENGER Rare Earth Free Magnets
12.3.14.Ferrite Performance vs Neodymium in Motors
12.3.15.Ferrite Performance vs Neodymium
12.3.16.Recycling Rare Earths
12.3.17.OEM & Tier 1 Approaches to Eliminate Rare Earths
12.4.Rotor and Stator Windings
12.4.1.Aluminium vs Copper in Rotors
12.4.2.Round Wire vs Hairpins for Copper in Stators
12.4.3.The Many Types of Square Winding
12.4.4.Round Wire vs Hairpin vs Continuous Winding
12.4.5.MG Motors (SAIC)
12.4.6.VW's MEB
12.4.8.Round vs Hairpin Windings: OEMs
12.4.9.Hairpin Winding Regional Market Shares
12.4.10.A New Winding Format?
12.4.11.Aluminum vs Copper Windings
12.4.12.Compressed Aluminum Windings
12.4.13.Aluminum Windings: Players
12.5.Motor Materials Environmental Impact and Forecasts
12.5.1.Environmental Impact Introduction
12.5.2.Environmental Impact of Materials
12.5.3.Material Intensity for BEV Motors
12.5.4.Environmental Impact of Several BEV Motors
12.5.5.Materials in Rare Earth Motor Magnets Forecast 2021-2035 (kg)
12.5.6.Rare Earth vs Rare Earth Free Magnet Material Forecast 2021-2035 (kg)
12.5.7.Materials in Electric Motors Forecast 2021-2035 (kg)
13.1.1.Cooling Electric Motors
13.2.Motor Cooling Strategies
13.2.1.Air Cooling
13.2.2.Water-glycol Cooling
13.2.3.Oil Cooling
13.2.4.Electric Motor Thermal Management Overview
13.2.5.Motor Cooling Strategy by Power
13.2.6.Cooling Strategy by Motor Type
13.2.7.Cooling Technology: OEM strategies
13.2.8.Motor Cooling Strategy by Region (2015-2023)
13.2.9.Motor Cooling Strategy Market Share (2015-2023)
13.2.10.Automotive Motor Cooling Strategy Forecast 2015-2035 (units)
13.2.11.Alternate Cooling Structures
13.2.12.Refrigerant Cooling
13.2.13.Immersion Cooling
13.2.14.Phase Change Materials
13.2.15.Reducing Heavy Rare Earths Through Thermal Management
13.3.Motor Insulation and Encapsulation
13.3.1.Impregnation and Encapsulation
13.3.2.Potting and Encapsulation: Players
13.3.3.Axalta - Motor Insulation
13.3.4.Elantas - Insulation Systems for 800V Motors
13.3.5.Insulating Hairpin Windings
13.4.PEEK Motor Insulation
13.4.1.Bekaert - PEEK Insulation
13.4.2.Eaton - Nanocomposite PEEK Insulation
13.4.3.Solvay - PEEK Insulation
13.4.4.Victrex - PEEK Motor Insulation
13.4.5.When Should PEEK be Used?
14.1.1.OEM and Tier 1 Supply Relationships (1)
14.1.2.OEM and Tier 1 Supply Relationships (2)
14.1.3.OEMs Moving to In-house Motor Development
14.2.Motor Examples
14.2.1.Audi e-tron
14.2.2.Audi e-tron
14.2.3.Audi Q4 e-tron
14.2.4.Audi Premium Platform Electric (PPE)
14.2.5.BMW i3 2016
14.2.6.BMW 5th Gen Drive (Jaguar)
14.2.7.BYD e-Platform 3.0
14.2.8.Chevrolet Bolt Onwards (LG)
14.2.10.Ford Mustang Mach-E (BorgWarner and Magna)
14.2.11.GM Ultium Drive
14.2.13.Hyundai E-GMP (BorgWarner)
14.2.14.Jaguar I-PACE (AAM)
14.2.15.Lordstown Motors (Elaphe)
14.2.16.Lucid Air
14.2.17.IRP Systems
14.2.18.Magna's Latest eDrive
14.2.19.Mercedes EQ
14.2.20.Nidec - Gen.2 drive
14.2.21.Nissan Leaf
14.2.22.Porsche Taycan
14.2.23.Ricardo Rare Earth Free Drive Unit
14.2.25.Rivian In-house Motors
14.2.26.SAIC - Oil cooling system
14.2.27.Stellantis Shared Platform (Npe)
14.2.28.Tesla Induction Motor
14.2.29.Tesla PM Motor
14.2.30.Tesla's Carbon Wrapped Motor
14.2.31.Tesla Cybertruck
14.2.32.Toyota Prius 2004 to 2010
14.2.33.VW ID3/ID4
14.2.34.Zero Z-Force Powertrain
14.3.Tier 1 Wound Rotor Synchronous Motors/Externally Excited Synchronous Motors
14.3.1.BorgWarner's EESM Development
14.3.3.Schaeffler Wound Rotor Design
14.4.Supply Relationships
14.4.1.Commercial Vehicle OEM and Tier 1 Supply Relationships (1)
14.4.2.Commercial Vehicle OEM and Tier 1 Supply Relationships (2)
14.4.3.Allison Transmission - Anadolu Isuzu
14.4.4.Aisin Seiki, DENSO and Toyota Motor form BluE Nexus
14.4.5.BorgWarner Partnerships and Acquisitions
14.4.8.Dana Supply Relationships and Announcements
14.4.9.GKN Automotive
14.4.10.Lucid Supply Partnerships
14.4.12.LG Electronics and Magna
14.4.17.Vitesco Technologies
14.4.18.Vitesco and Schaeffler Merger
14.4.19.Yamaha - hypercar electric motor
15.1.1.BEV Power Density Benchmarking
15.1.2.BEV Torque Density Benchmarking
15.1.3.BEV Power and Torque Density Benchmark
15.1.4.EV Motor Specification Summary
15.2.Commercial Vehicles
15.2.1.Commercial Vehicle Motors Power Density Benchmarking
15.2.2.Commercial Vehicle Motors Torque Density Benchmarking
15.2.3.Commercial Vehicle Motors Power and Torque Density Benchmark
15.2.4.Commercial Vehicle Motor Specification Summary
15.3.Light Duty
15.3.1.Light Duty Vehicle Motors Power Density Benchmarking
15.3.2.Light Duty Vehicle Motors Torque Density Benchmarking
15.3.3.Light Duty Vehicle Motor Specification Summary
15.4.eAxles for Commercial Vehicles
15.4.1.eAxle for Commercial Vehicle Benchmarking
15.4.2.eAxle Specification Summary
16.1.Forecast Methodology & Assumptions
16.2.Motor Price Forecast and Assumptions
16.3.Average Motor Power 2023 by Vehicle Category (kW)
16.4.Motor per Vehicle and kW per Vehicle Assumptions
16.5.Automotive Electric Motor Forecast 2015-2035 (units, regional)
16.6.Automotive Electric Motor Forecast 2015-2035 (units, drivetrain)
16.7.Automotive Electric Motor Forecast 2015-2035 (units, motor type)
16.8.Automotive Electric Motor Power Forecast 2015-2035 (kW, regional)
16.9.Automotive Electric Motor Power Forecast 2015-2035 (kW, drivetrain)
16.10.Automotive Electric Motor Value Forecast 2021-2035 (US$, drivetrain)
16.11.Micro-EV Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, vehicle type)
16.12.LCV Electric Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, drivetrain)
16.13.Truck Electric Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, drivetrain & category)
16.14.Bus Electric Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units, drivetrain)
16.15.Global HEV Car MG Demand Forecast 2015-2035 (units, kW)
16.16.Automotive Axial Flux Motor Forecast 2021-2035 (units)
16.17.In-wheel Motors Production Forecast 2021-2035 (units)
16.18.Materials in Rare Earth Motor Magnets Forecast 2021-2035 (kg)
16.19.Rare Earth vs Rare Earth Free Magnet Material Forecast 2021-2035 (kg)
16.20.Materials in Electric Motors Forecast 2021-2035 (kg)
16.21.Automotive Motor Cooling Strategy Forecast 2015-2035 (units)
16.22.Total Motors Forecast by Vehicle and Drivetrain 2021-2035 (units)
16.23.Total Motor Power Forecast by Vehicle and Drivetrain 2021-2035 (kW)
16.24.Total Motor Market Size Forecast by Vehicle and Drivetrain 2021-2035 (US$ billions)
17.1.Advanced Electric Machines: Rare Earth Free Motors
17.2.AVID Technology
17.3.Axalta Coating Systems: Electric Motor Insulation
17.4.Beyond Motors: Axial Flux Motors
17.5.DELO: Adhesives for Automotive Components
17.6.Eaton Research Laboratories: Electric Motor Insulation
17.7.Elaphe: In-wheel Motors to Increase Drive Cycle Efficiency
17.8.ePropelled: Dynamic Torque-switching Electric Motor
17.9.Equipmake: Electric Motors and Power Electronics
17.10.EVR Motors
17.11.Infinitum Electric: PCB Stator Axial Flux Motor
17.12.Monumo: Artificial Intelligence for Motor Development
17.13.Niron Magnetics: Rare Earth Free Permanent Magnets
17.14.Protean Electric
17.15.RETORQ Motors
17.16.Traxial (a Magnax Company)
17.17.Schaeffler: Magnet Free Motors
17.18.Ultimate Transmissions: How Tesla Could Avoid Rare-Earth Magnets
17.19.Ultimate Transmissions: Thermal Management of Electric Motors

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Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles 2025-2035: Technologies, Materials, Markets, and Forecasts

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Over 160 million EV motors required per year by 2035

Report Statistics

Slides 497
Forecasts to 2035
Published Aug 2024

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