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Energy Harvesting: Off Grid Microwatt to Megawatt 2017-2027

Applications, technologies, forecasts including regeneration

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This unique report of detailed analysis is easily grasped because many new infographics and forecasts are presented. No other analysis looks at the complete picture from microwatts for autonomous sensors to megawatts off grid for community power. The executive summary and conclusions appraises the results of the intense global travel schedule of the PhD level analyst team researching the subject in 2016 with ongoing updates. Extensive interviews were carried out in various languages plus global conference attendance and assessment of privileged information from the IDTechEx events on the subject. IDTechEx analysts have studied energy harvesting for 15 years and have seen the trends.
The report has an introduction looking critically at the successes and failures, the overall situation and the companies and universities involved. An extensive chapter on applications reveals how an aircraft or a house for example, has need of energy harvesting producing a whisper of electricity for small electronic devices such as MEMS up to large power levels for moving, cooking, heating etc. The commonality is revealed by the technologies and companies involved. We consider the four leading technologies - electrodynamics, photovoltaics, piezoelectrics and thermoelectrics - forecasting them by numbers and market value to 2027. The report explains how curiosities such as electret, capacitive, triboelectric and magnetostriction forms of EH now looks good in trials for many uses.
"Energy Harvesting: Off-grid Microwatt to Megawatt 2017-2027" predicts winners and losers in applications and technologies for EH and lists many companies involved with critical assessment of where the billion dollar business will emerge and what are the dead ends. What EH will be adopted in for wearable technology? Why are the Internet of Things, microgrids, Energy Independent Electric Vehicles EIV and other emerging hot topics impacted? How is multimode energy harvesting and energy harvesting without energy storage progressing? What hope is there of avoiding the many toxic materials involved in EH? What EH is powered by legal push and what is reverting back to batteries? What are the radically new forms of photovoltaics and electrodynamics all about such as solar roads and Airborne Wind Energy AWE? It is all here, replete with examples and simple explanations.
There are huge opportunities for materials companies in all this, from inorganics to composites and organics as we move to structural electronics - a materials play - instead of "components in a box". The report explains how, why, where and when.
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1.2.Features of EH
1.3.Low power vs high power off-grid
1.4.Types of EH energy source
1.5.Ford and EPA assessment of regeneration potential in a car
1.6.EH by power level
1.6.1.Needs by power level
1.6.2.Technologies by power level
1.6.3.Vibration and random movement harvesting
1.7.EH transducer options compared
1.8.Energy storage technologies in comparison
1.9.EH system architecture
1.10.Energy Harvesting Maturity
1.11.Market forecasts 2017-2027
1.12.Popularity by technology 2017-2027
1.12.2.Typical vibration sources encountered
1.12.3.The vibration harvesting opportunity
1.13.Some energy harvesting highlights of "IDTechEx Show!" Berlin May 2017
1.14.Micropelt iTRV - EnOcean Remote Management
1.15.Energy Independent ship opportunity
1.16.Solar cell and current inverter
3.1.1.Energy harvesting is an immature industry
3.1.2.IFEVS EIV self-powers travel, oven, lighting
3.2.Where is EH used in general?
3.2.1.Examples of energy harvesting by power level
3.2.2.Hype and success: applications
3.2.3.Some EH applications by location
3.2.4.Power needs of electronic and electrical products
3.3.Regional differences
3.4.EH is sometimes introduced then abandoned
3.5.Lower power ICs and different design approach facilitate low power EH adoption
3.6.Building control, BIPV, IOT for communities, local grid
3.6.2.Building controls: EnOcean
3.6.3.Building integrated photovoltaics BIPV
3.6.4.In communities: IOT
3.6.5.In communities: microgrid
3.7.Uses in vehicles
3.7.1.Land water and air: low to high power
3.7.2.EV end game: Energy Independent Vehicles EIV
3.7.3.Transitional options to EIV
4.2.Comparison of options
4.2.1.Technology choice by intermittent power generated
4.2.2.EH technology choice by intermittent power generated
4.2.3.Roadmap for low power EH: Bosch
4.2.4.Potential efficiency
4.2.5.Hype and success - technology
4.2.7.Multi-modal harvesting today
4.2.8.Integrated multi-modal: European Commission Powerweave project etc
4.2.9.Wi-Fi harvesting
5.2.Choices of rotating electrical machine technology
5.3.Airborne Wind Energy AWE
5.3.1.TwingTec Switzerland 10 kW+, Ampyx Power
5.3.2.Google Makhani AWE 600kW trial, Enerkite
5.4.Typical powertrain components and regenerative braking
5.5.Trend to integration in vehicles
5.6.Human-powered electrodynamic harvesting
5.6.1.Knee Power
5.7.Electrodynamic vibration energy harvesting
5.8.Electrodynamic regenerative shock absorbers and self-powered active suspension
5.8.1.ClearMotion USA
5.9.Flywheel KERS vs motor regen. braking
5.10.3D and 6D movement
5.11.Next generation motor generators, turbine EH in vehicles
6.1.Overview junction vs alternatives
6.3.Wafer vs thin film
6.4.Important photovoltaic parameters
6.5.Some choices beyond silicon compared
6.6.Tightly rollable, foldable, stretchable PV will come
6.7.1.OPV and Opvius
6.7.2.Germany's KIT
6.8.Solar cell and current inverter
6.9.Increasing silicon photovoltaic efficiency
7.1.Thermoelectrics: Doors Close, Doors Open
7.1.1.Tough place: but still they come
7.1.2.New prospects
7.2.Basis and fabrication of thermoelectric generators TEG
7.3.Choice of active materials
7.4.Benefits of Thin Film TE
7.5.TEG systems
7.6.Automotive TEG
7.7.Powering sensor transceivers on bus bars and hot pipes
7.8.High power thermoelectrics: tens of watts
7.9.High power thermoelectrics: kilowatt
8.2.Active materials
8.2.2.Exceptional piezo performance announced 2016
8.3.Piezo Effect - Direct
8.4.Piezo effect - converse
8.5.Piezo options compared
8.6.Piezo in cars - potential
8.6.1.Piezo EH powered tyre sensor
8.7.Piezo EH in helicopter
8.8.Consumer Electronics
8.9.Benefits of Thin Film
8.10.Benefits of elastomer: KAIST Korea
8.11.Vibration energy harvester (Joule Thief)
8.12.Challenges with high power piezoelectrics
9.2.Interdigitated to elastomer
9.3.Capacitive flexible
9.3.1.Dielectric elastomer generators
9.4.MEMS Electrostatic Scavengers
9.4.1.Advanced MEMS capacitive vibration harvester in 2016
9.5.Twistron from the University of Texas, Dallas
9.6.CRIEPI breakthrough?
10.2.Microbial fuel cells
11.2.Triboelectric dielectric series
11.3.Triboelectric dielectric series examples showing wide choice of properties
11.4.Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG)
11.6.Four ways to make a TENG
11.6.2.TENG modes with advantages, potential uses
11.6.3.Research focus on the four modes
11.6.4.Parametric advantages and challenges of triboelectric EH
An over $7bn market for energy harvesting transducers by 2027

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Slides 209
Forecasts to 2027

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