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Printed Electronics - Customer Sourcebook & Routes to Profit

Case studies, opportunities in the value chain, and progress at over 1000 organizations

Brand new Q3 2009

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This sourcebook is for those wishing to find customers and create a profitable, fast growing business in printed electronics wherever they choose to be in the value chain. Of course, one can search printed electronics on the web but the result is a blizzard of activities and misinformation. Help is needed to make sense of all this and identify the best customers and strategies for success. There are many profitable businesses in this sector already and a pattern to where they are in the value chain and in their business structure. There are lessons to learn from success but also from failure because every year several players exit the business and even face insolvency. IDTechEx is uniquely positioned to make sense of all this, because it researches more reports, runs larger conferences and is much better connected than any other organisation in this space. IDTechEx has carried out consultancy projects on printed electronics strategy, technology and financial performance for Hewlett Packard, ICI and many of the largest Japanese chemical and electronics companies and others. It has the inside track. It has never traded at a loss and, earlier in his career, its chairman Dr Peter Harrop took startup Mars Electronics to $260 million after which it was sold for $500 million. He shares this hands-on experience of success in electronics in the pages of this Sourcebook. It explains the emerging printed electronics value chain, with a glossary at the end to help those unfamiliar with the jargon.
This sourcebook is replete with diagrams and tables clarifying the printed electronics value chain and the dynamics of how to create profitable fast growing businesses within it. Equally important are the lessons of failure. For example, every year several organisations leave the Organic Light Emitting Diode or the organic transistor business and the lessons of this are clarified together with profiles of the businesses that continue to address organics but with more robust support and positioning. Every year many companies and research organisations join the business, more than compensating for the exits, but they tend to use different materials, machinery and/or device structures and many target new applications, puncturing the old certainties. For instance it is no longer primarily about OLEDs and RFID, screen printing and improving existing forms of electronics such as television and phones. What are they adding? Will it succeed? After all, this business is in ferment throughout the value chain. Yesterday's view that it all ends up as organic electronics has given way to a realisation that inorganic elements and compounds will remain in the lead for some time and composites and organic/ inorganic layering have a huge future creating huge opportunities for all forms of material supplier for example, including those providing the organic chemicals ideal for certain devices. Which organisations and products? Where? Why? It is all here.
This Sourcebook is all about companies in printed and potentially printed electronics and every chapter cites large number of companies to explain what is happening and will happen. The introduction lays out the printed electronics business and value chain in detail. There is the number of participants by global region and device type and a detailed table giving sectors of over and under supply in 2009/10 with many examples of participants. The Sourcebook then looks at market size and which organisations will spend heavily on printed electronics devices and why. The following chapters take the reader through the value chain, specifically Chemicals and Prepared Materials, Equipment and then Modules and Finished Products. Each chapter cites a large number of players, profiles interesting ones and explains the technical trends in the sector. The Routes to Enduring Profit and Growth are explained next, using the rules of the marketplace pioneered by Boston Consulting Group, PIMS, IDTechEx and others. That includes profit V curves, experience curves and other tests and forecasts which are here applied to printed electronics by IDTechEx with many examples. The next chapter provides Analysis of Fund Raising and Government Investments in Printed Electronics and the final chapter concerns Routes to Market and Case Studies - Printed Electronics in Action. Here, this unique Sourcebook lists over 1000 players by activity, including research institutions, out of the 2250 or so out there. Most of the rest are academic. This database is constantly updated and it extends to slide shows and reports not just contact details.
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Table of Contents
1.1.2250 organisations developing printed electronics by continent and product.
1.2.Printed electronics value chain
1.3.Some technologies becoming applicable to e-labels
2.1.Requirements of barrier materials
2.1.Raw materials vs formulations
2.1.Some of the most promising elements now employed for printed electronics and their purpose
2.2.Resistance in ohms per square of different printed materials
2.2.The big picture
2.2.Global market for printed and potentially printed electronics $ billion for materials, other and total
2.3.Printing technology and applications
2.4.Many chemicals, morphologies and processes
2.5.Huge increase in elements employed
2.6.Fragile OLED chemistry
2.7.Versatile new materials
2.8.Barrier layers
2.9.Relevance to photovoltaics and batteries
2.10.The rapidly changing world of conductive patterns
2.11.Materials will attract the most money - market size
3.1.Printing versus not printing
3.1.Relative speed of different printing processes
3.3.Opportunities for conventional electronic manufacture equipment makers
3.4.Printed electronics largely ignored by silicon chip makers
4.1.Suppliers of printed electronics modules/components
4.1.The main types of printed electronic and electric components
4.2.Soligie has the printing and electronics capability
4.2.Finished Products
4.3.Packaging/Labeling companies enter Printed Electronics
4.3.Capabilities to products
4.4.Soligie is focussing on new products
4.4.Creative design is badly needed
4.5.In June 2007 Soligie installed its roll to roll production line
4.6.The data is stored in the Pharma DDSi carton
5.1.Correlations between profit, cash and other business variables.
5.1.The breakeven curve
5.1.Basic breakeven curve.
5.2.A more realistic breakeven curve
5.2.Type of business
5.2.Some areas of over and undersupply in printed electronics in 2009-10
5.3.Methodology of the Strategic Planning Institute
5.3.V curve of maximum enduring profitability with size of business
5.3.1.Product positioning is more important than anything
5.3.2.Detailed SRI findings
5.4.Redefining the battleground
5.4.The steepening of the V curve as markets mature
5.5.Steep V curve for dairy companies in 1974
5.5.V curve of sustainable profitability with size
5.5.1.Minimum size for enduring profitability
5.6.Setting up a service business is easier
5.6.V curve for some airports
5.6.1.Riding the V
5.7.Experience curves
5.7.V curve for semiconducting inks
5.7.1.Care needed
5.7.2.Racing down the experience curve
5.7.3.No guarantees
5.8.Disruptive products?
5.8.Experience curve for crushed limestone
5.8.1.Case study: A rigid OLED display is not disruptive, flexible OLEDs are
5.9.Effect of competition and market growth rate
5.9.An experience curve for integrated circuit manufacture plotted by BCG
5.10.Extrapolation of historical integrated circuit experience curves showing the unlikelihood of RFID chips at less than one cent selling price at realistic volumes.
5.10.Methodology of Boston Consulting Group
5.11.Optimum position in the value chain
5.11.Market growth rate against size vs nearest competitor
5.12.Boston matrix for innovators creating a new market
5.12.Lessons of failure
5.13.Lessons of success
5.13.Boston matrix for followers
5.14.Boston matrix for printed electronics
5.15.Extent of vertical integration in the printed electronics value chain by giant corporations
5.16.An example of a Bayer printed ac electroluminescent display
5.17.Bayer electroluminescent polycarbonate film
5.18.An innovative luminescent film technology developed by Bayer MaterialScience and the Swiss electronics specialist Lumitec bathes the cockpit of the Rinspeed concept car "Senso" in a dazzle-free ambient light
5.19.The first series production of the special electroluminescent film was for illuminating the inside of ladies' handbags
6.1.Private fund raising
6.1.Europe leads the US in government investment in printed electronics
6.1.Fund raisings distributed to Printed Electronics sectors since 2008 (in USD million)
6.2.Investments in Printed Electronics
6.2.Government investments
6.3.Examples of government funded programs for printed electronics
7.1.Printed electronics products today
7.1.How printed electronics is being applied to products
7.1.1.With or without a silicon chip
7.1.2.Highest volume products with no silicon chip
7.1.3.Printed electronics with silicon chips
7.1.4.Electronic apparel
7.1.5.Display and lighting
7.1.6.Photovoltaic power by the mile
7.1.7.Stretchable electronic products for sale
7.1.8.A view from Toppan Forms
7.2.Types of printed/thin film photovoltaics beyond silicon compared, with examples of suppliers
7.2.Displays are the main sector for now
7.2.Printed Electronics Applications
7.3.Smart iontophoretic skin patches
7.3.Photovoltaics beyond conventional silicon are the second largest market
7.4.Esquire magazine with animated display September 2008
7.5.Plastic Logic E-reader
7.6.T-equaliser animated t-shirt
7.7.XEL-1 by SONY
7.8.Active Matrix OLED Fab ramp-up in 2006/07 - most in East Asia
8.1.Organisation breakdown by country
8.1.Organisation breakdown by country (number)
8.2.Organisation breakdown by country (percentage)
8.2.Organisation breakdown by activity
8.3.Over 1000 organisations by country and activity
8.3.Organisation breakdown by activity (number)
8.4.Organisation breakdown by activity (percentage)

Report Statistics

Pages 191
Tables 14
Figures 46
Companies Over 1,000
Forecasts to 2029

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