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RFID for Animals, Food and Farming 2011-2021: Forecasts, Technologies, Players

Trends and analysis by geography with case studies and forecasts

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Highly Profitable Market
One of the best examples of a niche billion dollar and highly profitable market in RFID is that for animals, food and farming. In this report IDTechEx find that by 2021 the market will have increased 3.7 fold from $1.17 billion in 2011 to $4.09 billion.
It is and will be mainly a systems business throughout as shown below. Indeed, in some cases suppliers subsidise the cost of the tags, offering cheaper tags when they supply the complete system, which is where most of the margin is.
Tag value globally in US$ millions 2012*
*For the full forecast data please purchase this report
Source: IDTechEx
Already, the animals, food and farming part of this burgeoning market extends from tagging sturgeon in Canada, reindeer in Lapland, pandas in China, kangaroo meat in Australia and, by law, dogs in New Zealand and sheep and goats in Europe.
The reasons for the now rapid adoption of RFID in this sector embrace disease control, cost control, safety, crime prevention and improving customer service. Both the forward and reverse supply chains are involved. Planned legislation underpins future growth in these markets, as does the probability of more bioterrorism and accidental debasement of food but there are also the needs of racing pigeon enthusiasts in Germany and those selling premium food subject to counterfeiting. Swine flu, avian flu and hoof and mouth disease will not go away.
Systems value vs tag value globally 2012*
*For the full forecast data please purchase this report
Source: IDTechEx
Tagging Cattle is Biggest Opportunity
The tagging of livestock will be the largest part throughout, followed by the tagging of food. The market for RFID tags and infrastructure for animals, food and farming, rose strongly in 2010. This is due to European Commission (EC) laws operative from the beginning of the year that require sheep and goats to be RFID tagged primarily for disease control and Canadian legislation requiring cattle to be tagged. It is also due to broadening territorial and applicational adoption of RFID tagging of more types of animal, food and farming equipment and produce. Further growth is guaranteed when the EC requires cattle to be RFID tagged as well. The legislation will lead to a new European market for about 150 million tags yearly and millions of interrogators when all four legged livestock are covered. There are 70 million lambs slaughtered yearly in the EC for example. In 2011, New Zealand requires cattle and deer to be RFID tagged. Australia, Brazil and other countries are also legislating RFID.
Like most other profitable RFID business, this is government mandated, with the payback being prevention of disasters such as disease and contamination. For vendors involved this is usually a highly profitable business.
Reversal in Food Tagging
After livestock, the second largest sector in the categories is food. The USA has actually become more of a laggard in both animal and food RFID. Indeed, as one of the largest technology suppliers said to IDTechEx, "The USA has, if anything, been going backwards in food traceability." By contrast, outside the USA, local and national governments increasingly specify RFID for livestock disease control and they apply pressure for food traceability that is difficult to achieve without RFID. In many cases, Governments are even paying for RFID, for reasons of safety and efficiency, one example being the food for the Beijing Olympics in 2008. In January 2010, the new European Community regulations required sheep and goats to be tagged on all but the smallest farms.
However, the market is emerging and it will be substantial. IDTechEx believe that 1.6 billion tags will be used to tag food a decade from now.
Importance of Food Supply Chain
Of the many uses for RFID, the food supply chain is set to rise dramatically. In due course, the tagging of individual items will attract the most investment, benefiting all in the supply chain but tagging of conveyances, pallets, cases, vehicles and equipment will also be important.
Regional Share
In 2011 Europe is 40% of the market of RFID for animals, food and farming. Ten years from now it will be a quarter of the market, as will North America, with East Asia being 35%. China, with by far the largest number of livestock and people to feed in the world, is the driving force of this change.
IDTechEx Report Focuses on the Opportunity
This report concerns RFID in the food supply chain, from arable farming and livestock to presentation in the retail store. This package is designed to assist suppliers, users, legislators, researchers, investors and all others in the value chain. It gives a balanced view of successes and failures and which technologies and applications are most promising for the future and why. The activities of a large number of suppliers and users are described from countries all over the world, indeed in all the continents of the world. The forecasts for 2010-2020 cover numbers of tags, unit value and total market value, each for the categories livestock, food, pets, research and conservation, farming, each of these applicational areas being thoroughly analysed in separate chapters.
Free RFID Knowledgebase
Purchasers of this report obtain free access to the IDTechEx RFID Knowledgebase for one year. This is the world's largest searchable database of RFID projects, currently running at over 4400 case studies in 123 countries involving over 4440 organisations and linked to 770 relevant company slideshows and audio. It is continuously updated so new projects relevant to this report can be accessed as soon as they come in.
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1.1.Total Tags and Systems value $ millions
1.1.AFF Systems value vs Tag value globally in 2011
1.2.AFF Systems value vs Tag value globally in 2021
1.2.Number of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021 (millions)
1.3.Unit value in US cents of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
1.3.Number of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021 (millions)
1.4.Unit value in US Cents of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
1.4.New factors affecting unit value in 2020
1.5.Value in millions of dollars of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
1.5.Value in millions of dollars of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
1.6.Value in millions of dollars of RFID systems excluding tags 2010-2021
1.6.Value in millions of dollars of RFID systems excluding tags 2010-2021
1.7.Regional market share by value (%)
2.1.Examples of track and trace methods
2.1.Basic components of a traceability system
2.1.Challenges of the food and livestock industry
2.2.Challenges of the food industry
2.2.Examples of RFID in use on food and livestock, including at bottom, fork lifts reading g pallets and cases and intermodal containers being located and monitored for illegal entry
2.2.Methods of tracking and traceability compared
2.2.1.Huge avoidable waste in the supply chain
2.2.3.Infected food
2.2.4.Ever more demanding consumers
2.2.5.Challenges with pets
2.2.6.Challenges with animal research and conservation
2.2.7.Challenges with farming
2.3.Some US regulations driving RFID on food and drugs
2.3.Methods of traceability
2.3.1.RFID most widely used
2.3.2.Live animal
2.3.3.Food products
2.3.4.Up and coming technologies to monitor and identify food
2.4.Legislation driving animal, food and farming RFID
2.4.1.Indirect legal push
2.4.2.Legislation specifically calling for RFID
3.1.Definitions and choices
3.1.Relative merits and uses of different animal RFID tags
3.1.Some types and locations of RFID tag on and in animals. The collar tag bottom left is shown controlling the amount of feed and medication, regardless of which stall the animal enters. The RFID tag bottom right measures ear tempera
3.1.1.RFID frequencies
3.1.2.Active vs passive RFID
3.1.3.Condition detecting RFID - Research in Germany
3.1.4.Active RFID for arable farming
3.1.5.Active RFID for logistics
3.2.RFID technology for animals
3.2.M-real ink stripe RFID as applied to food and drink packages
3.3.RFID technology for other purposes
3.4.RFID technology for arable farming
3.5.RFID technology for food logistics and retailing
3.6.Relevant RFID standards
3.6.1.Benefits of standardization
3.6.2.RFID standards for animal tagging
3.6.3.RFID standards for food and logistics
4.1.Examples of livestock tagging countries
4.1.Allflex Yellowstick reader
4.1.4.USA - too little too late?
4.1.5.Brazil, Colombia, Mexico
4.2.Suppliers of standard passive RFID for livestock
4.2.Aleis multi-read sheep system, Australia
4.2.3.Digital Angel
4.2.4.Assa Abloy Identification Technologies (IDT)
4.2.6.Y-Tex Corporation
4.3.Suppliers that may extend standards/ establish new standards
4.3.Assa Abloy IDT RFID implants and naked RFID disc (centre) for moulding into ear tags. All operate at the standard 134.2KHz frequency to ISO standards.
4.3.1.Advanced ID
4.3.3.Hitachi Mew Solutions
4.3.4.PrimaryLink Technologies and Sparkice
4.3.5.Animal Profiling International
4.3.6.Somark Innovations
4.4.Technical trends
4.4.Trovan ear tag and sub-dermally implantable tag
4.5.Y-Tex RFID ear tag
4.5.Twenty seven case studies of RFID for livestock in fifteen countries
4.5.1.Agri-Traçabilité Québec (ATQ), sheep and cattle, Canada
4.5.2.Alberta Agriculture & Tyson Foods, tracking cattle, Canada
4.5.3.Asocebú, cattle, Colombia
4.5.4.Australian Sheep Industry and New South Wales DPI, sheep, Australia
4.5.5.B3R Country Meats, cattle, USA
4.5.6.Chitale Dairy cows, water buffalo India
4.5.7.DEFRA, sheep, animals, UK
4.5.8.Fevex, cattle, Spain
4.5.9.Ken Habermehl cattle Canada
4.5.10.Klein Karoo Co-operative, ostriches, South Africa
4.5.11.Levinoff-Colbex cattle and meat Canada
4.5.12.LSCM pigs Hong Kong China
4.5.13.NAIT cattle, deer New Zealand
4.5.14.Santa Rita Experimental Farm cattle Brazil
4.5.15.Sheep processing plant, sheep, Australia
4.5.16.Smithfield Premium Genetics pigs USA
4.5.17.Smørfjord, reindeer, Norway
4.5.18.Taiwan Government, hogs, Taiwan
4.5.19.Thai Government, poultry, Thailand
4.5.20.Fishing boats China
4.5.21.Shanghai Xinnong Feed, feed intake China
4.5.22.Hangzhou City livestock China
4.5.23.Shenzhen Hong Kong Innovation Circle, live pigs, Hong Kong, China
4.5.24.Sichuan Chunyuan pigs China
4.5.25.Iffco-Tokio General Insurance cattle, India
4.5.26.Producer, pigs Israel
4.5.27.Scotland sheep UK
4.6.Rumitag rumen bolus RFID tag
4.7.Some of the hardware offered by AgInfoLink USA for cattle tracking. Palm PDA on left. Bluetooth RFID reader on right.
4.8.A selection of tags for cattle, fowl and other farm animals
4.9.An Advanced ID 12 mm embedded glass tag for pets etc
4.10.Motorola UHF ear tag
4.11.Allflex DNA tag, Australia
4.12.I-Tag RFID Tag (Sheep & Goat version)
4.13.Ostrich tagging in South Africa
4.14.SACO Systems provides solutions for access control, time and attendance and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tracking in mines and many other environments.
4.15.SACO's portable data terminals are capable of reading both barcode and RFID tags and can be optimised to suit a particular application, for example mines and mineral processing operations
4.16.Saco Systems tagged 100 000 ostriches with radio frequency identification chips for The Klein Karoo Cooperative (offloading)
4.17.Handheld terminals are used by veterinary technicians to "read" the tag of each ostrich for inoculation and other important historical information
5.1.Examples of food tagging
5.1.The prime minister of Japan being served prepared sushi that is RFID tagged at HF for speedy payment and stocktaking
5.2.Ham RFID tagged at HF at El Corte Ingles in Spain
5.2.Suppliers of high volume passive tags and systems
5.3.Suppliers of active tags with sensors and systems
5.3.Great variety of UHF needed as suppliers wrest with technical problems
5.3.1.Disposable labels KSW Microtec, Infratab, Power ID
5.3.2.Reusable tags Wavetrend, MicroSensys, Savi Technology
5.4.Electronic alternative label from Bioett
5.4.Time temperature recording label, including printed battery, for monitoring food, medical supplies etc.
5.5.Bioett Time Temperature Biosensor label
5.5.Non electronic alternatives to TTRs on food
5.6.Suppliers of long range active RFID
5.6.eProvenance RFID tag under wine bottle.
5.7.Campofrio's concerned about security and the audit of the meat supply chain
5.7.Fifty four case studies of RFID in the food industry in twenty five countries
5.7.1.Akindo Sushiro, Blue C Sushi, Uminomachi - sushi Japan
5.7.2.Arla Foods, steel carriers, Sweden
5.7.3.Azucarera Ebro, sugar Spain
5.7.4.Bailian Group, merchandise, item-level, China
5.7.5.Beijing Olympics food items China
5.7.6.Bell AG, meat, Germany
5.7.7.Bordeaux Winegrowers France
5.7.8.Campofrio meat, Spain
5.7.9.Canned salmon USA, Guatemala
5.7.10.Carlsberg Tetley trailers UK
5.7.11.Chinese Government, poultry, pallet/case, vehicles, China
5.7.12.Coca-Cola, contactless payment, Japan
5.7.13.ConAgra foods pallets USA
5.7.14.Container Centralen containers Denmark, Netherlands
5.7.15.Diakinisis containers Greece
5.7.16.Evidencia boxes, pallets USA
5.7.17.Fast Track Convenience USA
5.7.18.Fonterra, milk collections, New Zealand
5.7.19.foodSafe International, fruit and vegetable tracking, Botswana
5.7.20.Grupo Leche Pascual, packages of liquid egg, Spain
5.7.21.Heineken, tracking cargo shipments, Netherlands
5.7.22.Highland Spring water containers, UK
5.7.23.Holland Flower Auctions conveyances, Netherlands
5.7.24.Imperial Sugar pallets USA
5.7.25.Kasetstart meal cards and food Thailand
5.7.26.Kedi cold chain China
5.7.27.Kraft pallets Germany
5.7.28.Meat tracking/ condition monitoring, item level, USA
5.7.29.Meat transport crates, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands
5.7.30.Messina Group, proof of age at Coors Light Superbash, USA
5.7.31.Metro Distribution Centre, pallet/case, Hamm, Germany
5.7.32.METRO Savi containers China
5.7.33.Namibia Government intermodal containers Namibia
5.7.34.New Belgium Brewing Company kegs Belgium
5.7.35.Pack and Sea fish crates Denmark
5.7.36.Patties Foods cold chain Australia
5.7.37.Patties Foods pallets and cases Australia
5.7.38.Penam bread crates Czech Republic
5.7.39.Pfefferkorn Spedition warehouse packages Germany
5.7.40.PM beef, USA
5.7.41.Queensland Governments meat Australia
5.7.42.SAITL milk test vials New Zealand
5.7.43.Starbucks cards, USA
5.7.44.Tenuta dell'Ornellaia wine France
5.7.45.Transmed Foods containers Morocco
5.7.46.Transmed Foods containers USA
5.7.47.Unilever ice cream Hungary
5.7.48.University of Parma food Italy
5.7.49.University of South Florida Polytechnic food, USA
5.7.50.Uptown Cycles food USA
5.7.51.Varena pallets Germany
5.7.52.Visa, Coca-Cola vending Canada
5.7.53.World Wide Fruit UK
5.7.54.Yeongdeungpo food waste Korea
5.8.RFID-enabled vending machine
5.9.Galvanised steel CC Container
5.10.Galvanised steel gate reader at Container Centralen
5.11.Aims and objectives of foodSafe International
5.12.Mojix system
5.13.Tempsens® Temperature monitoring card
5.14.i- Q8T & i-Q32T ILR Technology Transponders (UHF)
5.15.SAITL vials
6.1.Five case studies in three countries
6.1.1.Animal Care, pets, UK
6.1.2.Florida Animal Shelters, lost pets, USA
6.1.3.Government Pet Passport, UK
6.1.4.Los Angeles Animal Regulation Commission, stray animals, USA
6.1.5.Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture, dogs, Portugal
6.2.Suppliers of RFID for pets
7.1.Seven case studies in five countries
7.1.A white sturgeon from the lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada
7.1.1.Delhi, cow tagging, India
7.1.2.Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society, Canada
7.1.3.JRC livestock Europe
7.1.4.Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, fish, USA
7.1.5.Pandas, China
7.1.6.University of Waterloo cows Canada
7.1.7.US Department of Agriculture, deer and elk tracking I, animals USA
7.2.Avian Breeding Colonies in the Columbia River Estuary USA
7.3.The detector has been successful in locating tags in various terrain
8.1.Technical trends
8.1.Experimental industrial greenhouse with USN
8.1.1.Wireless Sensor Networks/Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN)
8.2.Intelligent container
8.2.Eleven case studies of RFID for arable farming in six countries
8.2.1.Bayer CropScience, vehicles and pallets, Germany
8.2.2.Cambium Forstbetriebe, trees to sawmill, Germany
8.2.3.Ceago Vinegarden, crops, USA
8.2.4.Cox industries timber USA
8.2.5.Farmers grocery stores Switzerland
8.2.6.John Taylor Fertilizers Company agricultural equipment USA
8.2.7.Ministry of Economic Affairs flowers Taiwan
8.2.8.Paramount Farms, trailers for nuts, USA
8.2.9.Precision Forestry Cooperative, trees, USA
8.2.10.Rio Blanco farms avocados Chile.
8.2.11.Silsoe Research and Cranfield University vehicles and containers, UK
8.3.Trucks of pistachios enter the scale house.
8.4.Paramount Farms of Los Angeles
8.5.RFID readers identify the trucks automatically
8.6.Staff gather data using handheld RFID scanners.
9.1.Number of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
9.1.Number of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
9.1.Total market - animals, food and farming 2010-2021
9.2.Unit value in US cents of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
9.2.Unit value in US cents of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
9.2.1.Global livestock statistics
9.2.2.Importance of China
9.3.Market 2011-2021
9.3.Value in millions of dollars of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
9.3.Value in millions of dollars of RFID tags by sector sold globally 2010-2021
9.3.1.Timelines for new legislation
9.4.Value in millions of dollars of RFID systems excluding tags 2010-2021
9.4.Value in millions of dollars of RFID systems excluding tags 2010-2021
9.5.Estimate of the populations of various relevant types of animal in the world with examples of figures for specific countries in millions.
9.6.Livestock market 2010-2021
9.7.Food (including pallets/cases)2010-2021
9.8.Pets market 2010-2021
9.9.Research and conservation market 2010-2021
9.10.Farming market 2010-2021
RFID has grown and is now a business of well over $5 billion today

Report Statistics

Pages 301
Tables 21
Figures 56
Case Studies 104
Companies 100+
Forecasts to 2021

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