28 Mar 2017

Airborne Wind Energy: sophisticated technology, primitive marketing
The technology of Airborne Wind Energy AWE has progressed in leaps and bounds recently as many developers prepare to sell them.
7 Mar 2017

Kite power: Diesel killer or wind turbine killer?
The new IDTechEx report, "Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) 2017-2027" finds that making electricity by flying kites and the like can potentially address two very different opportunities: kill diesel or kill wind turbines.
8 Sep 2015

Energy independent vehicles emulate static off-grid experience
Off-grid electricity production on land has lessons for energy independent electric vehicles (EIVs) that come later. These generate all their own electricity from wind, waves, sun and other forms of ambient energy - free and clean.
18 Aug 2015

High power energy harvesting takes shape
Plenty of kilowatts from no fuel. This dream ticket is a reality today from the rapid adoption of high power energy harvesting. Energy harvesting converts ambient energy into electricity where it is needed, off-grid.
21 Jul 2015

Electric vehicle will offer free non-stop road travel
The new IDTechEx Research report, "High Power Energy Harvesting 2015-2025" (www.IDTechEx.com/high) appraises the many new ways in which the vehicle will internally harvest energy that is currently wasted as tyre and brake heat etc. so it needs much less externally supplied energy to get along. That alone will get us to a range of up to 1000 miles. In this article, let us look at how the increasingly infrequent charging can be done automatically without involving the driver and how it can grab externally-supplied electricity created from free ambient energy.
18 Jun 2015

Airborne Wind Energy Conference Netherlands 15-16 June Part Two
There is healthy disagreement among everyone concerning the optimal products, with some going to grid applications first then planning off-grid or, like Makani, looking only at on-grid.